Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Numbered                                12/30/2015

It always ends the same
Just like you knew it would
And all we have to do is watch
As it all falls apart.  

Unraveling in the air
The pieces fall
And the damage is done
Jumping the track
And tumbling, end over end. 

Nothing is easy
And nothing is free
Costing you
And costing me.

Someone had to lose
For someone else to win
And that is how it happens
And that's why its done. 

A sacrifice was made
Deep within the heart
Cutting me off
In the middle of the week. 

Letting me down
And cutting me loose
So that I fell forever
On the long way down. 

Some survive
And some do not
But survival is not enough
If you cannot grow
And cannot learn. 

The stupid go on
Without question or thought
And do the exact same things
That they always did before. 

Still looking for something
That they will never find
Empty on the inside
And blind as a bat.

But if I had not suffered
I would not have known
What it feels like to lose
And gain 

Good and evil
Is light and darkness
And woe to them
Who cannot see
And do not know. 

It is they, who will dangle
And it is they, who will die
Even though they murder,
And even though they lie.

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