Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Angel Hair

Angel Hair                12/16/2015

I didn’t have anything
Until I lost everything
Indulged, dumb
Wasted and young.

I didn’t know a thing
So I only wanted more
Impatient with the present
Petulant and spoiled. 

Bored with everything
And sitting on a treasure
Unable to appreciate 
The greatest gifts of all.

Unwitting, unblemished
Fattened and soft
Offered up as a sacrifice
Unknowing and unprepared.

But the death of foolishness
Is not death at all
Nothing but a test
And a trial. 

None of it was mine
But I never knew it then
Owning nothing
But owing everything. 

That is the loss
And that is the awakening
Cold, brutal,
Sudden, and sharp.

Loneliness was a burden
Much too heavy to lift
Breaking me down
And pulling me apart.

In the end
I had almost nothing
Numb to almost everything
Exhausted, and spent.

I did not find God
Because it was God
That found me
Paying off my debt
Once and for all.

He brought me here
So that I could see
Finally able to grasp
What really matters.

Now I sleep in the castle
And now I plumb the depths
For treasure
Discovering more
Than I ever dreamed. 

In the basement
I found the paintings
In great gilded frames
Extravagant and thick.

But in the attic
I found the angels
Perfectly formed
As if from dreams
Hung on the wall
And hung on a tree.

Everything that I was
And everything that I dreamed
Coming together
Fuller and richer
Than ever before.

No matter where
We have been
And no matter what
We have done.

All can be restored
A thousand times better
Understood and appreciated
Better than before.

It can be won
And it can be lost
That much I know
But now that I see
I know I can survive.

Even if we lose
We still must try
Because we own nothing
But will inherit

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