Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Depth Perception

 Depth Perception      12/30/2015

The dead see through the living
And the living, dream through the dead
Each one gazing through a looking glass
Curved, opaque 
And beveled at the edge.

No one knows every secret  
And no one knows every dream
At least not enough
To make it perfect
Or make it understood. 

People and places 
Fade in and out
Focused for only a moment
And not enough to love.

We see, but cannot comprehend
And only afterwards 
Do we remember in pain
Viewing ourselves in others
Long ago dead. 

I have seen myself in many
And I have wondered at the mirror
A man fractured into facets
Disjointed and indistinct. 

Tethered to a line
I imagine forward movement
As we crawl along a track
One way through time. 

If all dreams have meaning 
Than mine make no sense
Random windows
Into private angst.   

We long for
What we cannot have
And yet willingly ignore 
Priceless treasure.   

 If I loved
Then I love
And If I lost
At least I know.

The pain lessens
But the glow remains
Richer and more luxurious
With each and every view.

But truth is like a telescope
Burning like a lazer
Boring through the past 
And exposing every future.
A lie today
Is like a thousand yesterday
As the layers peel off
And we see the past

Nothing but a hoax 
And nothing but a lie
No matter how hidden 
And no matter how big.  

Now I that I see 
I know who I am 
Strong enough to see 
Who was right 
And who was wrong.  


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