Friday, September 25, 2015


Antimatter    9/25/2015

The ghosts are whispering
On the dark side of the moon
Spilling secrets long forgotten
And never understood.

They alone
Know and understand
What it feels like to lose
And what it feels like
To fly. 

Neither above nor below
But apart
They mingle in my dreams
Forever beautiful
And eternal. 

There is so much more
Than what we see
And no one is ever alone
Outside the glass.

I have cut myself enough,
To know how it feels
And I have bled numberless words
Into the great wide open.

Crawling through the white space
And going where I cannot
Messages and feelings
Angst and love. 

In the space above
There is a cold black silence
And unsearchable.

And free.

We sleep for now
And in our sleep we dream
Flying into and out of,
Everything hidden
And dark. 

The known is nothing
But the unknown is everything
Invisible and everlasting
True, just, and eternal. 

The kingdom comes
Just past midnight
When the last fools sleeps
And the last ghost awakes.



Waxing                      9/25/2015

If the world is a stage
Then how are we played
As we watch every rehearsal
Over and over again. 

Wax men and women
Memorized their lines
Predetermined jabs
Back and forth
For entertainment and fun. 

Preplanned and insincere 
The plastic statues gesture
Regurgitating sound bites
At just the right moment. 

They pretend to argue
And they pretend to debate
But all of them are the same
Bought and sold
Dead and dumb.

If someone told the truth
Would we even believe it
Engineered with guilt
And accustomed to fear. 

All eyes would be upon them
Dripping with hatred
Daggers drawn
Behind the curtains.

Pushing levers and blowing smoke
Our eyes follow the screen
Mesmerized by the spectacle
Of excess and narcissism.  

Feel the true hatred
And see from where it comes
Just waiting for the world to tilt
To do what they will. 

Beware when it happens
Once the critical mass is achieved
Stamping out all opposition,
Creativity, and belief.

Woe to him
That lacks the courage
Abandoning the courageous
To die alone. 

And woe to those
Who hide in their wealth
So afraid of losing
That they never live at all.   

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Falling Away

Falling Away                            9/24/2015

We who have fallen
Fell upon, our own swords
Willfully choosing
Subservience and death.

Afraid of shadows
And cringing in the dark
Clutching our pearls
And gasping for breath.

No one, made us do it
But we alone
Laid the stones
Paving the road most traveled
On our way to the end.

Who would have ever guessed?
That the good could be so deluded
Believing every lie
And running from truth.

Cowering under the table
And berated just for living
Our voices drowned out
By the loud, the few, 
And the delusional. 

But isn’t that the life
That we, have all been living
Slaves to our emotions
And chained to comfort.

Asleep in our shell
No matter how oppressive
Unwilling to risk
Crawling out
And moving on. 

We make all the wrong changes
And never seem to learn
That love is a choice
And courage our salvation. 

Trusting opportunistic cowards
And willfully piling on 
As they conveniently take pot shots
Hitting every easy target 
Over and over again. 

Wasting our time
And wasting our lives
For who and what reason
We never question at all. 

Pleasing ourselves
And fishing for acceptance
As we confuse miracles for luck
And blessings for debt.

Now the scales fall
And we see the fake gods
Nothing more than men 
Hating the hated 
Deluded, and dead.

At war against discernment
And at odds with the truth
Condemning our grandchildren
To persecution 
And genocide.
All of it known 
And all of it predicted
The beginning of an end
Ending in horror
And confusion. 

But even horror must end
And spend itself in flame
Burning all it can
While it can.

But whomever will stand
And whoever shall believe
Will remain
Shinning like the sun


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Nine Two Three

Nine Two Three                                 9/23/2015

With every deadline
There is an extension
But, with every payment
There is also interest
And blood. 

Extracted over time
We keep on swimming
Just enough to keep us going
And feeding at the trough.

But finality always comes
With sacrifice and perseverance
As we endure to the end
Empty and gray.

Others have seemingly escaped
Floating above on the backs of others
Always getting out
Ahead of storm. 

But there time is coming
Because, they are also prisoners
Bound inside the loop
Of life, judgment and death.

Locked in a quarantined universe
We are as fish in a fishbowl
Killing or being killed
And fighting over food.

Inches away we are observed
But yet we know not
Thinking that we alone
Make the food
And dirty the water.

Arrogance, control,
Hatred, and greed
All of it culminates
At the gates of hell.

The walls we love
Are about to break
But who of us is ready?
To truly know and understand.

Now is the moment
To take the leap
Flinging ourselves upwards
And ask.

For we are not fish
And this is not the end
But only if we trust
He is who fishes.

Break the glass
And take the risk
Calling out his name
Right here
And right now. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

The wait

The Wait            9/21/2015

Come think of this
And come think of me
The one you used to know
So full of life
And free. 

Before I knew
And before I was aware
A lot less self-conscious
Unafraid and chaotic.

Back then
It was others
Who worried about me
But now it is I who worry
About everyone
And everything. 

Cut off and cut out
Deeply wounded
And alone
Falling and falling
Inside of myself.

I cried out
But no one heard
Unable to stop the bleeding
Inside or out.

Birth and death
Abandonment and grief
Cut to pieces
And traded away.

My sense of self shattered
And all faith in man destroyed
Cut off in the middle
And left out to die. 

Split into two
The before and the after
A man inside himself
Struggling against his brother. 

The fools may win
But in the end
They always die
Starving themselves
Out of stupidity and pride. 

The trip wire is sprung
And all the fixers plot
Working against the truth
Just as they always have. 

Either way
It will not be easy
But either way
We are awake
And we are ready. 

The seed cannot grow
Until it dies
And love cannot conquer
Until it bleeds.

Ten times more
And ten thousand times stronger
The quiet man
Awakened at last. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Once Hidden

Once hidden                   9/18/2015

Far away from here
I was formed in the dark
Tethered to my mother
And floating in space.

Secluded and protected
Hidden and warm
Conceived in a rhythm
Incubated, and fed.

Alone and yet together
We are a miracle
And a mystery
Fully known and understood
By God and God alone.

When I didn’t know
I knew in my heart
Growing in a cocoon
And insulated from chaos.

Even then you knew me
And even then you saw
The future stretched out on a line
The beginning, the middle
And the end.

In that moment
All was possible
And all was good
Before I had ever tired
And failed. 

But, the impurities were there
Woven into to our DNA
Long since stained
And corrupted.

Looking backwards I see
But looking forwards I am blind
Trying and striving
Against myself.   

Lurking behind
Or around a corner
Evil has come
And laughed.

But you have saved me
And you save me still
Even when I do not know
And even when I gave up.

I strive again today
But only because of you
Against all the odds of eternity
Here I am
And here are you.