Thursday, July 30, 2015

Flag Stone

Flag Stone    7/30/2015

This is as free as it gets
Unfiltered and unfettered
Bleeding all over the page
And launched into space.

An invisible web
Criss crossing the planet
Everywhere and nowhere
Invisible and omnipresent. 

Everything has eyes
And everything has ears
But there are more secrets than ever
Deleted and lost.

No one knows a thing
But a realist can still see
Understanding at once
Through experience
And self-preservation. 

We are nothing
But salt, pepper, and sand
Randomly tossed
and thoroughly examined. 
We are led along
And charmed with a flute
Skipping and dancing
On our way to the end. 

Suddenly stabbed
Only then do we recoil
Mortally wounded
Wordless and dumb.

But the proof was always there
Even if we ignored it
Rationalizing atrocities
And fooling ourselves. 

I did not know to ask
And I did not know to fear
But that is what she taught me
Before she left me
Bleeding in the rain. 

There is nothing more cruel than indifference
And the cowardice of ambivalence
Heavy as a damp blanket
On a hot summer day.

Betraying our trust
And selling us out
Abandoned by convenience
And discarded like trash. 

Watch them run
And watch them laugh
Pretending they are alive
One fake smile at a time.

This is truly their world
Stupid, empty, and fake
Nothing but cheap propaganda
For the gullible and dumb.   

Used  and expendable
Convenient and compliant
Laying down like paving stones
On a highway to hell. 

Hell is here
And it will eat
All that it can
Crushing our spirits
With a soft velvet hammer. 

Let the secrets come out
And rise up
Out of the black
Long hidden
And buried. 

Let it be known
No matter how ghastly
The original lie
Upon which we have suffered
And many have died.

Because the truth matters
More than anything
And who can ever grow
So long as they remain
Asleep in a trance.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Key Grip

Key Grip        7/27/2015

Endless as a summer afternoon
Burned into memory
Weightless long after the day is done
Undulating with the waves.
The anchor got stuck
So we all pulled together
Struggling against the unknown
Deep beneath the black. 

The rope burned our hands
As we strained against the weight
Pulling, resting
And pulling some more. 

Out of the depths
Emerged a tree
A tangled mass
Black shiny and slick. 

Freeing the anchor
The tree sank
Back down from whence it came
And buried forever. 

Many secrets
Sleep in the depths
Long since covered over
And forgotten. 

But no secret is hidden forever
And no skeleton
Shall remain unexposed
Even in the dirt
And under the sea.

Many sleep
Face down in their bowl
Content only to eat,
Consumer and destroy.

Gobbling up
Whatever is before them
With no imagination
Or courage. 

They shall eat
And they shall sleep
Unaware of danger
And numb to the poison. 

Let them eat
And let them sleep
For that is the price of blindness
And greed. 

But let us stay awake
And let us keep trying
Even when there is no hope
And no way out.   

Be he who is with us
Is stronger than the world
And death has no power
His grip broken
And dead forever. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Since, I am not writing tomorrow (Friday), I wrote this today.  

Worthless   7/23/2015

If you never felt worthless
Then you have not lived
And if you never felt blessed
Then you do not understand.

Happiness comes undeserved
Like a child’s laughter
Or a cool river
On a hot summer day. 

But hardship gives us a memory
That you never want to lose
Helping us to remember
Perspective and gratitude. 

But patience is the hardest thing
That I have ever learned
A pain in the pit of my stomach
With each thankless hour.  

There are some dreams
That I may never have
And there is an emptiness
That may never be filled.

But that longing
And dissatisfaction
Is universal,
As we all seek to regain
Heaven on earth. 

For now, the world remains
What it is
And has been
A gift rejected,
Corrupted, and spoiled.

An apple crawling with worms
And a pond of floating fish
Deceived from the beginning
By vanity and pride.

But even when worthless
We have love
The greatest gift
Uncorrupted and alive.

We live
And we survive
Provided for
And inspired
To conquer
And thrive.

Our flames grow brighter
And they shall never go out
Now that we know in our hearts
That we are not
And never have been, alone. 


Rumors     7/23/2015

Beaten, shot, or stomped
Crushed, strangled, and burned
The innocent murdered
Out of hatred and envy.

Pride was the first sin
Long before we ever knew
Malignant, arrogant,
Vain, and cruel. 

The cages have been opened
And now the beasts emerge
Seething with hatred
To kill while they can.     

Their fate is sealed
But how much worse for the keeper
Driving them on
And setting them free.  

Words have great power
But silence, can tell you everything
That you ever needed to know
If only the foolish could see  
What they didn’t want to know.

Yes it is a rumor
And yes, it is a war
As the world consumes itself
Back to back
And surrounded by ghosts.  

Drink it in
And swallow it down
But, turn it in to something
That no one, has seen before.

Truth will always be bigger
Than even the most acceptable lie
No matter how varied or often
It is spoken or forced. 

No amount of money
And no amount of threat
Shall ever snuff it out
No matter the carrot
And no matter the stick. 

We who have walked softly
See the beast, for the trees
Hiding and waiting
To savage and consume. 

Turn over the table
And behold the betrayers
Enabled by the sick
Twice doomed, and dead.

Monday, July 20, 2015


Bemused                      7/20/2014

We are taught to doubt
What we already knew
The first instincts were learned
As children, observing the world. 

Hatred and evil exists
But it’s not like they say
Eating us away like acid
From the inside out.

The fuse is lit
And the flames are rising higher
Just as predictable as the sun
Twice as obvious
And twice as dumb. 

We can walk
Or we can run
But if you see the cliff coming
It may not matter much.   

There are two sides on a coin,
But we should all see by now
That no matter how much, you flip it
It will always be the same. 

Fake opinions
And fake opposition
Just enough to keep us going
Until it’s too late. 

Desperate men
Do desperate things
As they seek to keep power
As a means to an end. 

Colluding with each other
To squash all opposition
As they inventing insults
And fake controversies. 

Incrementally conditioned
To give up and give in
To the never ending onslaught
Of tyranny and control. 

Marginalized and ridiculed
The truth becomes the enemy
As any who dare disclose it
Are ostracized and abused.

Easily distracted
And easily amused
We fall face first
For a flash in the pan. 

The circus goes on
But while we argue about nothing
Our feet are on fire
And no one says a word. 

When all is done
Who will be at fault?
Those who murdered?
Or those who,
Never did a thing?