Friday, April 10, 2015

Red Fish

Red Fish   4/10/2015

Our eyes follow the movements
Transfixed by neon
And dazzled by glitter
So that the hands go unnoticed
And do what they will. 

Many are mesmerized
By the flash and bang
Cherry picked for consumption
To distract and deceive.

It doesn’t have to last forever
But only long enough to work
As the ends justify the means
To the liar and the devil.  

A murderer from the start
Proud, envious and hateful
Promising anything
Just to get what they want.  

Beware the red herring
Flopping on the deck
While we founder in the sea
And sink to the grave.
A thousand times worse
Than you can imagine
The criminal cabals
In high and lofty places.

Dictators, Oligarchs and worse
The self-styled elite
Trading away you and me
For a few dollars more.  

If everyone is dead
They who will remember?
As we all age
And drop in the dirt.  

Even a giant
Can be killed by a bee
Overwhelmed by numbers
And overcome with poison.  

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