Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Awake 4/22/2015

Last night I couldn’t sleep
So I tossed and turned all night
Uncomfortable, itchy
Dreamless, and sad.

The words did not come
And my thoughts disjointed
Jumping from place to place
And from time to time.   

The sun rises
Like a million times before
And I am the same
Another day older
Beaten and worn.    

Others go about their day
Gaming, striving,
Grasping and scheming
Oblivious, shallow,
Foolish and dumb.

Educated but blind
And asleep at the wheel
Much too comfortable,
Judgmental and smug.

Shake me awake
And tell me what it wrong
Before I fall asleep
And escape. 

We run from pain
And avoid conflict
Giving up 
And giving in.    

If only we could open our eyes
Maybe then, we could see 
What it takes to grow 
And conquer.  


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