Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27

April 27

We make lots of plans
But how much of them?
Ever come true
Regardless of what we want
Or think we need. 

The sun was in my eyes that day
And I had to squint to see
Warm, but not hot
In the heavy mountain stillness
Nineteen years ago today.

A day that should have been happy
Was friendless and sad
As I stood thankless and alone
In a chapel 
Hidden in the wood.

He said, that God wanted us there
But except for me 
He might have been the only one
And God keep will keep that secret
Until the end. 

I loved her
More than my own life
But like everything. I ever had
I was born to lose it
Before I could understand.    

It is a strange feeling
Of detachment and melancholy
As the old wounds heal
Thick with tissue. 

I tried to forget
But now, I try to remember
Because that is how I learn
And that is how I grow.

How many gallons of water
Have flowed under this bridge
Meandering through the black dirt
Deep in my heart.

I have no explanation
And I have no proof
Nothing except for the victory
Of the spirit
Over the man.  

I have been angry
And I have been sad
But our lives are not only measured
By what we have done, and  said.    

Sometimes the greatest strength
Was when, we held still
Shutting our mouths
And swallowing our pride. 

It was then
That I stood up
Head held high
Disappointed but undefeated
Smiling at myself. 

Driving home
I felt it
The incredible lightness of my shoulders
As I finally left the anchor
Where it had always belonged.  

I gave my love away
And I do not ask, for it back
Because there is always more
Where I found it
And nothing is lost at all.   

Come up out of guilt
And wake up to the sun
New again
And twice as gold! 

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