Monday, April 13, 2015


Preponderance      4/13/2015

Sometimes we chase a feeling
Long after, we should have stopped
Desperately searching every corner
For a false sense of well being
Long ago gone by.

Hurling ourselves headlong
Against a wall
Still trying to recapture what is lost
Over and over again
Dumb, bloodied, and sad.

Some will deny it
But many have pursued it
Driven either to insanity
Or premature death. 

A mere man is stupid
But, a mob wreaks all kinds of horror
Thoughtless and random
Savage, and cruel.

When will we suffer enough?
That we finally learn a lesson
Strong enough, to face the hard truth
No matter how much it hurts.

Peace is greater than euphoria
And truth, is richer than a lie
Because one feeds the soul
While the other
Is a cancer.

Words are not enough
And sometimes it hurts to be normal
As we are crushed under the weight
Of diminishing returns.  

But hope is always ahead
And the good, will keep on trying
Even though we lose
And suffer.  

This very moment
And this very hour
Will all pass away
But it is over the preponderance
That we either, rise or fall. 

All I have
Is right here
And it is more than enough
To feed me now
And forever!

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