Friday, April 3, 2015


Kneecapped   4/3/2015

Today there is silence
And the smoke has almost cleared
Still as a pool of blood
A few hours old.

Nothing can compare
To the pride and folly
Of murderous men
Seeking satanic immortality.

Breeding underground
And crawling down tunnels
Using every opportunity
To lie, cheat, and steal. 

Woe to him that knows
And does nothing
Just as cursed
As he who enables
And conspires. 

Random indifference
Has injured many
As we go about our day
At the mercy of fools.

Drunk on a mere sip of power
They do whatever they can
Blind, ignorant and cruel
Misguided and useful tools. 

Wisdom teaches the wise
And truth will enlighten the seekers
But hatred breeds death
And staggering destruction. 

The truth is a light
Red as blood
Dark and foreboding
And hanging in the night. 

We sleep in our beds
And believe what we want
Listening to lies
And socially engineered.

People will point fingers
And people will wail
But we should have seen it coming
A thousand years ago. 

Let others laugh and mock
And stew in the pot
So incredibly shallow
That they never notice the heat.

Anyone can be wounded
And anyone can bleed
But the courageous make it count
And stand until the end. 

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