Wednesday, April 8, 2015


History                                  4/8/2015

Walk through the tall weeds
Littered with broken glass
Gasping at the ruins
Moldy, rotted, and empty.

Contemeplate the dreams 
And listen for the voices 
Whispered in the wind 
Chilling and dead.  

Mud and gasoline
Cigarettes and ash
Smelling like alcohol 
And cheap perfume.
The pain has long since subsided
But I still feel the loss
As the ever widening rift
Leaves me behind
A little more each day.

It wounded me deeply
And there was nothing I could do
As I stomped up the stairs
Breaking the treads
Under my feet.
My hands became claws
And my teeth became fangs
Transforming into a gigantic monster
With blood in my mouth
And death in my eyes.

But what is anger
If it cannot be used
Tied up in in knots       
And buried in the soul.

How close do we come
Before we even know
Doubled over by a gut shot
And bleeding all over.

Pouring out with agony
I let it puddle on the page
Burning through the parchment
In a testament of rage.

I have nothing to show
For loss after loss
Nothing but an empty longing
That’s impossible to fill.

I wish I could see the reason
Or discern some kind of purpose
In all of this waiting
As the shallow go living
As if nothing changed at all.

They laugh and make small talk
Exchanging gifts and cashing checks
Unthinking and unknowing
Just like others have done
A thousand times before.

How long?
How long oh Lord?
Must I wait
Before your day
Of perfect vengeance
Final and just.

When will the day come
When we can all forget
As the cruel become nameless
Like they never lived at all. 

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