Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Immolation                                                                          4/28/2015

If you feed the fire
It will burn
Devouring everything
And especially the source. 

What is broken can never be fixed
If you do not tell the truth
And  no one  will never find a mouse
If they cannot see an elephant.

What kind  of person
Can ignore the carnage
Unless they agree
And support. 

Maybe not today
And maybe not tomorrow
But none of us are safe
Form hatred and murder.

Growing up is hard
And humility is a blessing
But some will never understand
And only God knows why. 

Beware the predator
Hiding in the bush
Always looking to attack
Murder, and steal.  

A scavenger at heart
And unable to change
Crawling on its belly
Or hanging from a tree.

The serpent can give you a reason
But in the end
Everyone should know
That what is wrong is still wrong
Just like it always was. 

Wake up and smell the smoke
And get out while you can
Because only a fool keeps doing
What he has always done. 

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