Thursday, December 31, 2015

Department K

Department K                            12/31/2015

Some go to sleep
And never wake up
While others nod their heads
And do what they are told.  

Waiting for scraps
And falling on their swords
Lapping up every lie
Like a dog
At his dish. 

There is no getting out
And there is no turning back
Either all the way in
Or all the way out.

One thing ends
And another begins
But this end
Is a long time coming
And you should know it by now. 

If anyone cares
Then they would see
And if you see
Then you can decide.  

The ghosts are here
Right here and right now
More alive than many
Who sit on their hands. 

When we didn’t know
We were deceived
Socially engineered debt slaves
Born to borrow,
Work, and die.  

I am not ashamed
And there is no need
To apologize
Not for love
And not for protection. 

The cages are opened
And now the beasts emerge
Emboldened by appeasement
And frothing with saliva.

It is no accident
And it is no joke
That we are on the menu
Skinned, gutted, and smoked. 

So also this must end
As we endure
Whatever may come
Today, Tomorrow,
Now, or next year.  

Time is running out
One grain at a time
And now that we know
It is a precious treasure.

Laugh, smile,
Love, and embrace
For we will survive
By faith,
And by grace. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Depth Perception

 Depth Perception      12/30/2015

The dead see through the living
And the living, dream through the dead
Each one gazing through a looking glass
Curved, opaque 
And beveled at the edge.

No one knows every secret  
And no one knows every dream
At least not enough
To make it perfect
Or make it understood. 

People and places 
Fade in and out
Focused for only a moment
And not enough to love.

We see, but cannot comprehend
And only afterwards 
Do we remember in pain
Viewing ourselves in others
Long ago dead. 

I have seen myself in many
And I have wondered at the mirror
A man fractured into facets
Disjointed and indistinct. 

Tethered to a line
I imagine forward movement
As we crawl along a track
One way through time. 

If all dreams have meaning 
Than mine make no sense
Random windows
Into private angst.   

We long for
What we cannot have
And yet willingly ignore 
Priceless treasure.   

 If I loved
Then I love
And If I lost
At least I know.

The pain lessens
But the glow remains
Richer and more luxurious
With each and every view.

But truth is like a telescope
Burning like a lazer
Boring through the past 
And exposing every future.
A lie today
Is like a thousand yesterday
As the layers peel off
And we see the past

Nothing but a hoax 
And nothing but a lie
No matter how hidden 
And no matter how big.  

Now I that I see 
I know who I am 
Strong enough to see 
Who was right 
And who was wrong.  



Numbered                                12/30/2015

It always ends the same
Just like you knew it would
And all we have to do is watch
As it all falls apart.  

Unraveling in the air
The pieces fall
And the damage is done
Jumping the track
And tumbling, end over end. 

Nothing is easy
And nothing is free
Costing you
And costing me.

Someone had to lose
For someone else to win
And that is how it happens
And that's why its done. 

A sacrifice was made
Deep within the heart
Cutting me off
In the middle of the week. 

Letting me down
And cutting me loose
So that I fell forever
On the long way down. 

Some survive
And some do not
But survival is not enough
If you cannot grow
And cannot learn. 

The stupid go on
Without question or thought
And do the exact same things
That they always did before. 

Still looking for something
That they will never find
Empty on the inside
And blind as a bat.

But if I had not suffered
I would not have known
What it feels like to lose
And gain 

Good and evil
Is light and darkness
And woe to them
Who cannot see
And do not know. 

It is they, who will dangle
And it is they, who will die
Even though they murder,
And even though they lie.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

November 9

November Nine                               12/29/2015

Wednesday November nine         
Slipped away
Like all the others
Setting off a line of lies
No man can prove.

Deep dark are the secrets
On a scale that boggles the mind
As we seek to hide
For fun or for profit. 

The easy smiles are gone
But so also are the dreams
Cut off halfway home
And left on the street.

We have been distracted
And we have been duped
Led down a primrose path
Of lies and delusion. 

Dark shadows
And flickering flames
That willfully forget
And cannot remember. 

Who will uncover the lies
One upon many
The end over the beginning
Fifty years or more. 

Dead men cannot talk
At least for now
But still they know
And still they watch.

Face to face
What will we say
And eye to eye
What will we do. 

Yesterday is over
But remembrance is forever
No matter how deep the pit
Or how dark the past. 

Behold the end
As they make their final plans
Each and every second
More deadly than the last. 

French Twist

Silent Film                            12/29/2015

Strange, surreal,
Dark, and beautiful
Suspended in the air
Like a silent film. 

Nothing is ever real
And nothing is ever perfect
Not without loss
And not without pain. 

It hurt me then
But only with time
Do I understand
That tears cleanse
And agony heals.  

I have risen
From the ashes
But not by my hands
As I fumble in the dark
And wrestle against myself.

The night was long
But even blackness
Can shine
Contrasted against a single spark
Burning in my brain. 

I love it all
And embrace every nuance
Even though it hurts
I endure. 

At every café
And in every dream
Lost in endless shades of gray
Perfection lives.

It is all beautiful
But we would never know
If we didn’t lose it
Foolishly wasted
And numb.

Numbers, letters
Symbols and graphs
All given over  
To black and white. 

Blood, ebbs and flows
Easing through my body
As I sit and think
Circulating like metaphors
In my dreams. 

Steaming coffee
Swirls around her memory
Black and brown
Frothy and white. 

Now I can feel it
As I drift into whimsy
Living a beautiful life
For as long as I can. 

I shall walk in roses
And think of them
A long lost memory
Perfect and free.