Friday, April 25, 2014


VOIP     4/25/2014

Yes, I got the message
But I was not the only one  
A harbinger of destruction
For all of you and me.   

Cut off the switches
And get out of Dodge
Because this ratchet
Only works in one direction
And it’s never worked before. 

It’s time to push back
And break the gears apart
Because the truth is like a hammer
Smashing every lie. 

You can get up and pretend
Or you can just roll over
And sleep
But either way
It won’t change a thing. 

Whatever we do
It always wears off
The newness fades
And our attention wanders. 

The heart eventually gives out
From all of the strain
No matter what we try
Or what we take. 

Programed to fail
For the horror of it all
We surge forward
But always fall back.

We are just wasting our time
Treading water
Upside down in a tank
Bumping up against the glass
Over and over again.

The struggle can seem hopeless
And defeat inevitable
But even small numbers
Have proved that false
Time and time again.

They can come at you
With everything they have
But he who stands firm
Shall have the greatest gift. 

Water flows down hill
And the earth rots all flesh
But the spirit can do the impossible
Through faith and tenacity.

I burn
And I suffer
But I remain unbroken
Strong enough to move mountains
With words.

Something has happened to me
At first almost imperceptible
But growing every day
As one cell at a time

We are all here for a reason
And I was made for this
Knit together in darkness
And forever linked to you.

Nothing can stop us
Except maybe ourselves
With nothing to fear
But dread and regret.  

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