Thursday, April 10, 2014


Hedgerow   4/10/2014

The dead may not make the cover
But that does not change a thing
Because the truth still matters
Always has
And always will. 

The world highlights
And the world ignores
Based on things
Others have decided. 

They refuse to see
And they cover their hears
As they babble on and on
With the same old lies. 

How long does it take?
And how long can this last?
The irrefutable facts
Tragic and terrible.

If people kill themselves
Then you must wonder why
But every day and in every way
They are reduced, attacked
And humiliated.

The glue has lost its grip
And everything comes undone
As many souls cry out
Their spirits crushed
Before they could burn. 

Look at it all
The blindness and the horror
And burn it into your brain
Because it is only centimeters away
From you and for me.

Some things get better over time
Like scotch and old velvet
But not this
And not now.

You can set your watch
And you can stare at the sky
But the blood moon is rising
And so are the dead.

Bloody tattered and vengeful
They will have their day
Breathing, speaking and judging
All that is
And all that was.

We see in part
And we know precious little
But what is invisible
Is always greater
Than what is spoken
And told. 

Tears won’t mean a thing
Once the damage is done
And now is the time for prayer
While the battle still rages
And the truth has not won.

We have come so far
But all will be wasted
If we do not act
And we do not question. 

Take another look
And not just at the obvious
But always look deeper
And underneath
The rocks. 

The hidden has more meaning
And the names run on forever
As man’s ugliness breaks the surface
Indelible and sick. 

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