Thursday, April 3, 2014

Twist and Stretch

Twist and Stretch 4/3/2014

This road has twists
And this road has turns
So you had better pay attention
And know when to brake. 

Even danger can become familiar
And even death common place
Lurking in every breath
And flitting about the shadows.

How many of us, have felt it?
That strange and disconnected feeling
That we do not belong
Never have 
And never will.

And that all of this, we do
Is just running in place
Nothing but a colossal waste of effort
And time.

Hurting every day 
As we are dragged along
By necessity and need
Conforming to the mass
And pretending we care.

We look at others
As they scramble over each other
Bringing up the same old things
Over and over again. 

Never questioning
And never contemplating
What it is, that matters
And what it is
That is right.  

We do, what is the easiest
And we do, what we must
Suffering through it
Until we die. 

I have thought of these questions
For a very long time
But I still can't see why it matters
If there is nothing we can do.

The world has fallen
And the world is foreign
A strange and upside down kingdom
Where nothing makes sense
And nothing is right. 

Where the guilty are praised
And the good punished
Where the truth is ignored
And everything is fake.

Deep within us
Deeper and smaller than our eyes can see
There exists the answers
Where all who sleep
Are remembered. 

We love to laugh
At the dead
And boast that, 
We know better.

But all of them,
And all of us, 
Will rise,
And all of us
Will know. 

Maybe there is something
You have missed
And maybe there is something
We could still learn.

But only if you try
With all of your strength
Stretching for a moment
To the other side.

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