Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Orbit  4/9/2014

Look up
And see for yourself
What is revealed
And what is fake. 

A long time coming
But a short time to learn
As we collide with a reality
Hard, cold, and deadly. 

We live,  but do not see
And we lash out
But do not remember
What it means to be loved
And cherished.

The kind of love
That sees the end
And cares enough
To guide and teach.

We missed the signs
And acted for ourselves
Seeing what we wanted
And ignoring all the rest.

But love is more than happiness
And love is more than comfort
But rather a choice that abides
And endures. 

Inside our heads
The battle rages
Between temptation, patience
Emotions, and faith. 

But some will never learn
As they cling to a single sentence
Discarding anything uncomfortable
And blaming someone else. 

Digging deep is hard
And helping others a chore
As many die in their spirit
Proud and ignorant.  

We can either stretch
Or we can shrink
But either way
All men suffer
And all men die. 

When the storm comes
Then you had better take cover
And when the earth shakes
You had better know what matters. 

Evil watches
And evil remembers
But even terror
Do we proclaim
Or deny. 

If you wake up
Then you should think
And you should pray
About all you have known
And love. 

Do not delay
Or waste what you have
But rather spend it well
For the thoughts we think
And words we say
Last forever. 

Do what is loving
And do what is good
Now while we can
And now, while we should.   

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