Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pall Bearer

I have been out, a friends child (aged six), was killed in a tragic accident.   I was a pall bearer at his funeral yesterday.  Here are my thoughts...  

For JPH  4/17/2014

Some spirits burn a little brighter
And some go out too soon
A heavy burden to carry
And a long road to walk. 

There are many things
None of us, can understand
Like when a child is taken
Long before their time. 

If I could
I would explain it
But it is beyond, what I can know
Another day in the black pageant
Of life and death.   

For some, the journey is over
And for others
It has only begun
As we drag our memories with us
On the long way home. 

If there is anything
That I have learned
It is, that I am nothing
Nothing but a bag of bones
Walking in a ditch. 

The whole world is dying
And nothing can change that now
Because everything comes with a cost
That we can never pay.

We cling tightly
To what we love
But we are destined to lose
And disappear.

We lifted the casket
And it was light in our hands
But our hearts were too heavy to lift
As tears stung my skin.   

The world is dead
And I am nothing
Just like I should have known
A long time ago. 

But that doesn’t mean 
That I give up
And that doesn’t mean
That I cannot smile.

I lift up my head
And whisper softly in the breeze
He who loses, shall win
And he who dies, shall live. 

The Lord will gather his children
Everywherethat they fall
And he holds them
Even now
In perfect peace. 

We shall all grow together
And we will laugh and play
Shouting with joy!
For everyone to hear! 

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