Monday, April 21, 2014

Bolt Cutter

Bolt Cutter 4/21/2014

The circular blade
Spins sideways
Biting into bare metal
Sparking, cutting,
And churning through. 

I am going to turn this over
And I am going
To get away fast
Too old to waste another minute
And nothing left to lose. 

Our minds are full of memories
And every day there is more
But some can only dump it all
And run the other way.

The best things
Cannot be seen
Because what is unseen
Has always been greater
Than what we see
Or what we know. 

Some things stay hardened
But others shrink and soften
Useless, dead, and powerless
To do what we must
And do what they did.      

But that is life
And that is the test
While we remain
And endure. 

I am a double man
Appearing as the same
With one half weak
And the other strong.  

We all need love
But some, only have the need
As they always cling to others
For validation and survival.

But the good should learn
That there is always more
Locked away inside
And begging for release.

We could do it all
If only we would try
And we could change everything
If only we believed. 

But we cower
And we melt
Giving way to time
And circumstance. 

It is time to break through
And it is time to break away
And run at full speed
Using everything we were given
To smash what remains. 

The spirit burns
And awakens the flesh
Making anyone
Ten times ten thousand.

Now is the best time
Even if, it feels the worst
Because now we know
And now we see. 

We can remain as clay
Or we can be as bold as iron
Forged, fired, and hardened
And growing every day. 

Break the ice
And bust down the door
Because nothing can be won
Without ridicule and risk.


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