Friday, April 11, 2014

Falling Through

Falling Through  4/11/2014

Any moment now
The worm will turn over
Exposing what it is
And what it wants.

There is nothing more vile
Than the seething hatred
The kind only kept under control
By the truthful and courageous.

Some laugh
And some taunt
But they are the truly weak
And the truly dumb.

Their reward will come
Just like we all knew
And just like we said
In the middle of the day
Or the middle of the night. 

And they will drop down a hole
A hole that has no bottom
Falling forever
Dumb, wasted and dead.

Nothing is over
And nothing is done
As one age passes over
To another. 

The coin flips over
And now we can see
As obvious as the sun
Magnified and scorching.

Say your prayers
And watch your back
Today and all days
Everyplace and everywhere.

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