Friday, April 4, 2014


Rain 4/4/2014

While we live
There is hope
And when we try
We can grow.

The days drag by
And time slows to a stop
As the atmosphere of man
Weighs on our hearts.

It can make you sad
And it can make you angry
But patience is the hardest thing
That I have ever learned.

Everything can seem pointless
And even the greatest of efforts
Often go unnoticed
And unappreciated. 

But if we want to reach higher
We must do so
For the right reasons
And in the right way. 

The day we notice
Is like a break in the clouds
As a beam of light
Strikes our head.

Hold on, to that moment
And pray that you
Do not forget
Because that is when you
Can start a journey
A journey that has no end. 

How would we be different?
If we knew
We had forever
And how would we plan?
To spend it. 

If we believe
Then we know
That all of this is nothing
But a fly in the ocean. 

I did not get here
In just a single day
But in the midst of living
One in a million. 

I went to sleep
And then I got up
Another night
And another day. 

What I do not have
I will
And what I have lost
I will receive.

What is coming is better
Even if we suffer
And all that is wrong
Will disappear. 

Horror comes
And so also does evil
Perhaps not in the way we feared
But in a way
Twice as deadly. 

But all of this shall pass
And that is why
The world is burning
Because sooner or later
It will fall apart. 

We will know that joy
And it will only be the beginning
As everything and everyone
Fall back into place.  

We will taste
The finer wine
And we will plan out
Our forever
Excited to learn and love
Without limit or reservation.     

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