Monday, April 7, 2014

Into the Valley

Into the Valley 4/7/2014

It’s the same old song
Played over and over again
So much that you hate it
And smash it to pieces. 

You can take anything
And beat it to death
Hammering it, into the ground
Dead, decayed, and rotten.

Just like the same old story
That you have heard 
A million times before
So often you can finish every line
Before it’s even said. 

Some people shrug their shoulders
And others sigh in their sleep
As many are worn down
And gaze upon the end.

Beaten and bruised by work
And held back at every step
Judged by a standard
No one else can meet.

Like death by a thousand cuts
We are herded into pens
Walled off slowly but surely
By our own altruism
And fear. 

Buried in our own time
And covered with plastic
Preserved before death
For everyone to see.

Endlessly talked about
The foolish and predictable end
Just like some had warned
And just like 
We said it would.

But that is what you get
When you don’t accept the truth
Just as obvious as it can get
And blowing up
In our face.

You can lick your wounds
And cut away the flesh
But this is bigger than what it seems
Permanent and spiritual. 

Go raise an army
Of robotic symbolism
And march them across the plains
On their way into the valley. 

Come and find me
Because there isn’t much I can do
Nothing except spend what I have
For as much as I can take. 

Into the furnace
And into the pit
Throw me and smash me
But it’s still not enough. 

Let the horror come
And overtake the sun
But it will never be enough
To change what is coming. 

The angels have taken wing
The good and the bad
Soaring and diving over our heads
And into our brains.  

I will have my home
And so also will you
But not before we pay the price
Together and alone. 

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