Friday, April 18, 2014

One Moment

One Moment   4/18/2014

The sun beat down on my neck
But I did not want
To raise my head
As if my presence could make a difference
Or that my face
Might offend.

A drink in hand
I walked around the woods
While the kids played and shouted
Happy one moment and sad the next
Running and quarreling. 

I am not the same
And I never will be again
But, now that I can see
I can merely watch,
And listen.

In my mind I walk backwards
And smell the water and the dirt
On summer days
That I thought would last forever.

Time does not stand still
And no one can
Slice it small enough
To capture the present
In a slide of glass.  

We are left in limbo
Stuck inside of a membrane
Trapped on one side
And longing for the other. 

It is hard to pretend
And it is hard to care
About all the things
That I know,
Do not matter
And never will again. 

I have tried
To get what I want
But as soon as I found it
It always falls apart.

If I never have
What is missing
How will I know?
And if I have it all inside
Who else can understand?

Suddenly I feel the breeze
And the ducks cry out
From the pond
And everything feels
Like a dream.

I think of my mother’s heavy curtains
And the smell of her perfume
Golden beams of sunlight
Dancing with particles of dust.

My boy laughs
And I laugh back at him
As he shakes me awake
And looks in my eyes.

It is enough
That we love each other
And I hug him tightly
Guilty but happy
That I am loved.  

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