Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gervais Street

Gervais Street 4/30/2014

Over here
Under the log
You will find the missing pieces
Of me and you
And everything else.  

We search endlessly 
But never find a thing
Until no one can find us
And we are dead. 

Life is strange
And living hurts
Even though it shouldn’t
All because
We are wounded by others 
Their apathy and their greed.

They strive on and on
And talk themselves
Into a circle 
Clawing and shoving each other
For just a little more. 

How would they react?
If they ever truly knew
How worthless it all is
The money and the power. 

If you are in the way
Then you had better watch out
Because now you are marked
And now you will die..

No one needs a cut out
And no one loves
A loose end
Knowing just enough to be a problem
But never enough
To save yourself.

If it’s all in the details
Then they won’t miss a thing
Staying up thinking
About your money
And your throat.

It’s not newsworthy
And no one says a word
That the good are sacrificed
Every hour
And every day. 

Nothing is
As it appears
And now that you know
You have no value
Or  protection. 

Others stare at a chessboard
And strategize their conquest
As they play a game
With other people lives.

They move money
And they rig the system
Selling us out
And giving us away.

Blowing up their friends
To frame their enemies
Anything to get what they want
Everything and everywhere.

Before you can think it
And before you can know.
It has all been divided up
And given away.

All of this
That I have done
Has all washed away
Under the bridge
And out to sea. 

Lost in the vastness
Of the ocean
The small pieces
Sinking to the bottom
Impossible to find. 

I hope these words
Are not wasted
And I hope
That they
Find their mark.

Because everything else is gone
And everything else is lost
Erased like it never happened
And I never lived at all.

The good was never enough
And the bad
Came with a price
A price I could never pay
And much too heavy to lift.

But what I had
Was not what I needed
And what I needed most
I would have never pursued.

Now I am empty
And now I am spent
But even this is a blessing
Because now I know
And now I am ready.

Ready for anything
And ready to speak
Letting the words roll out
And tumble into space.

With nothing to lose
And everything to gain
Because the best part is always ahead
And beyond. 

The search goes on
And so also do I
Because the search
Is the treasure
So let it go on
And burn forever. 

Friday, April 25, 2014


VOIP     4/25/2014

Yes, I got the message
But I was not the only one  
A harbinger of destruction
For all of you and me.   

Cut off the switches
And get out of Dodge
Because this ratchet
Only works in one direction
And it’s never worked before. 

It’s time to push back
And break the gears apart
Because the truth is like a hammer
Smashing every lie. 

You can get up and pretend
Or you can just roll over
And sleep
But either way
It won’t change a thing. 

Whatever we do
It always wears off
The newness fades
And our attention wanders. 

The heart eventually gives out
From all of the strain
No matter what we try
Or what we take. 

Programed to fail
For the horror of it all
We surge forward
But always fall back.

We are just wasting our time
Treading water
Upside down in a tank
Bumping up against the glass
Over and over again.

The struggle can seem hopeless
And defeat inevitable
But even small numbers
Have proved that false
Time and time again.

They can come at you
With everything they have
But he who stands firm
Shall have the greatest gift. 

Water flows down hill
And the earth rots all flesh
But the spirit can do the impossible
Through faith and tenacity.

I burn
And I suffer
But I remain unbroken
Strong enough to move mountains
With words.

Something has happened to me
At first almost imperceptible
But growing every day
As one cell at a time

We are all here for a reason
And I was made for this
Knit together in darkness
And forever linked to you.

Nothing can stop us
Except maybe ourselves
With nothing to fear
But dread and regret.  

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lift and Turn

Lift and Turn 4/22/2014

You might not have heard
About the tragic horrors
Lucky enough to survive
Another day
And another hour. 

Some men bring life
And some only death
But now that death is destroyed
All the good shall live.

The innocent are murdered
And no one dares to notice
The jarring juxtaposition
Of hope and hatred.

Nothing can fix
A man without a soul
And no amount of regulation
Can create
What never was. 

If it wasn’t you
And it wasn’t yours
You can relax and breathe
But only the foolish
Will close their eyes
Or look the other way. 

Take all that you have heard
And take all that you are told
And turn it over
Exposing the writhing mass
Of truth and terror. 

Because even the best of liars
Cannot hide it forever
The disgusting reality
Underneath a rock. 

Perhaps we are lucky
And perhaps
We have been spared
But heaven help us
When the wheels come off.

It’s good to think and contemplate
How it feels to be someone else
But it’s also good to turn things over
And examine the other side.  

Things look different
When you challenge the status quo
Especially when its forbidden
And discouraged. 

But he who lies
Is already dead
And he who follows
Blind and dumb. 

Better it is to speak the truth
Even if it hurts
Because humility heals
And pride falls. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Bolt Cutter

Bolt Cutter 4/21/2014

The circular blade
Spins sideways
Biting into bare metal
Sparking, cutting,
And churning through. 

I am going to turn this over
And I am going
To get away fast
Too old to waste another minute
And nothing left to lose. 

Our minds are full of memories
And every day there is more
But some can only dump it all
And run the other way.

The best things
Cannot be seen
Because what is unseen
Has always been greater
Than what we see
Or what we know. 

Some things stay hardened
But others shrink and soften
Useless, dead, and powerless
To do what we must
And do what they did.      

But that is life
And that is the test
While we remain
And endure. 

I am a double man
Appearing as the same
With one half weak
And the other strong.  

We all need love
But some, only have the need
As they always cling to others
For validation and survival.

But the good should learn
That there is always more
Locked away inside
And begging for release.

We could do it all
If only we would try
And we could change everything
If only we believed. 

But we cower
And we melt
Giving way to time
And circumstance. 

It is time to break through
And it is time to break away
And run at full speed
Using everything we were given
To smash what remains. 

The spirit burns
And awakens the flesh
Making anyone
Ten times ten thousand.

Now is the best time
Even if, it feels the worst
Because now we know
And now we see. 

We can remain as clay
Or we can be as bold as iron
Forged, fired, and hardened
And growing every day. 

Break the ice
And bust down the door
Because nothing can be won
Without ridicule and risk.


Friday, April 18, 2014

One Moment

One Moment   4/18/2014

The sun beat down on my neck
But I did not want
To raise my head
As if my presence could make a difference
Or that my face
Might offend.

A drink in hand
I walked around the woods
While the kids played and shouted
Happy one moment and sad the next
Running and quarreling. 

I am not the same
And I never will be again
But, now that I can see
I can merely watch,
And listen.

In my mind I walk backwards
And smell the water and the dirt
On summer days
That I thought would last forever.

Time does not stand still
And no one can
Slice it small enough
To capture the present
In a slide of glass.  

We are left in limbo
Stuck inside of a membrane
Trapped on one side
And longing for the other. 

It is hard to pretend
And it is hard to care
About all the things
That I know,
Do not matter
And never will again. 

I have tried
To get what I want
But as soon as I found it
It always falls apart.

If I never have
What is missing
How will I know?
And if I have it all inside
Who else can understand?

Suddenly I feel the breeze
And the ducks cry out
From the pond
And everything feels
Like a dream.

I think of my mother’s heavy curtains
And the smell of her perfume
Golden beams of sunlight
Dancing with particles of dust.

My boy laughs
And I laugh back at him
As he shakes me awake
And looks in my eyes.

It is enough
That we love each other
And I hug him tightly
Guilty but happy
That I am loved.