Monday, December 30, 2013


Sinkhole   12/30/2013

I dropped my head
Into the sink
And spit the water out
Blood and water
Acid and bile.

This is the world
And this is how it tastes
Leaving us with nothing
But blood and terror. 

The sun has flipped over
And the cycle has run its course
But only the wise understand
The ripening of time.

We all hang low on the tree
Overly ripe and heavy
All because we hide our faces
And look the other way. 

There is more than enough proof
To see where we are headed
But never do we learn
And never do we speak. 

Every day there is more
And we wonder and we stare
Grown accustomed to hatred
And institutionalized tyranny. 

Others have seen the beast
And others have been crushed
While many stood bye
Quiet, deaf, and dumb.

The last time
Is not this time
But even though the faces change
Death remains just as savage
And more mechanical than ever.

We circle the drain
With arms and legs
More than able to climb out
And escape. 

But who has the courage
To live by their word
Facing down iniquity
Without fear or apology. 

Yes there is a war
But not the one you hear about
Insidious and methodical
And waged against ourselves.

You can either go down
Or you can stand up
Just like yesterday,
Today, and tomorrow.

I raise my head
And I trudge off to work
More myself than ever
Imperfect, but true.

If you wait for the perfect time
Then it will never come
Because it’s always better to fail
Than it is to wait.

Love itself calls us
To care about tomorrow
Even if we are gone
The seeds spread outwards.

Our circles spread out
And reach far
Either for good
Or for evil.

If not for us
Then it is for them
That we are ready
To rise and protect
Again and again and again.

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