Monday, December 16, 2013


Polyurethane 12/16/2013

You can make a myth from a man
But the truth of the man
Will never stay hidden forever
Even though some will try
And others will hide.

A deafening silence
Fills the air
So thick you can feel it
Heavy, dense, and cold. 

Everything hardens
Under Ice
And sleeps dormant
Kept alive
Hanging by a thread.

Nothing is as it seems
And all things come out
But only with persistence
And courage. 

The light sometimes fades
But never has it ever
Completely gone out
As the flame is always burning
In the Sacred Heart of God. 

Plastic, rubber, and synthetic silk
Cover our bodies
And cover our face
Sculpted to perfection
Tight, empty, and dumb.

Asleep in our cocoons
Away from it all
We dream we are alive
And think we are real.

Horror happens
Far away
But we fool ourselves
Because we didn’t hear
And didn’t know. 

Safe inside our shell
We delude ourselves
With fits of fancy
All the while
Wasting away.

Worshiping ourselves
And following each other
Too afraid to live
As we mass together,
Stampede, and die. 

Savage is the world
Beneath and behind
Grasping at our heels
Avoided for another day,
But close enough to feel.

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