Monday, December 23, 2013

Drop by Drop

Drop by Drop  12/23/2013

Wax melts
And wax hardens
Dripping down the candlestick
Hot, molten, and rich.

Time is an allusion
Because that is how we see it
Experienced, but not understood
Unappreciated and dead.

Filling our mouths
And grasping at straws
We fill in the still moments
Happy, sad, and dull.

Nothing is ever over
And no small victory
Ever endures
As time washes away
All learning and memory.

We plan for futures
That are already here
But waste all our present
Living in fear.   

Deep in forever
Is where we should rest
Far above
This ebb and flow. 

Life tosses us about
And smashes us together
But this place can still be happy
If you embrace
What God has done. 

With life comes sadness
But all the hatred in the world
Will never stop
What is good
And what is right. 

There is always a way
And I know God will use it
Keeping us safe
And blessing us
More and more.  

We are together 
In the knowledge of truth
And I pray every day 
For those who I will.

Someday these boundaries will melt
And someday this weight will lift
As we come together 
To live as we should.  

No longer isolated 
And no longer blind
As we fill up with light
And shine like the sun.  

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