Thursday, December 26, 2013

MIidst of Winter

Midst of Winter  12/26/2013

It was cold
And skies were gray
With streaks of tarnished silver
And smudged charcoal.

The darker it became
The colder it got
So we went inside
Because our hands
Ached and tingled.

But inside the lights sparkled
And the flames burned bright
Melting every shred of doubt
About who we are
And what we love.

Christmas came 
Like so many times before
And we awoke to the enchantment 
Undiluted with time.

As the hours went by
The house became a wreck
And the kids were cranky
After hours of playing,
Sugar, and laughter.

I picked up the boxes
And all the ripped paper
Filling up bags with the detritus
That covered the floor. 

There is no other place
That I would rather be
Than here among friends and family
In the midst of winter.

Truth has not lost its luster
And real love will never die
No matter what was had
Or what was lost. 

They are all with me now
Even those who are gone
Now more than ever
Alive in my heart. 

We are bound forever
And nothing can change it now
Bonded by a sacred knighthood
Unknown to man. 

We shall yet taste
The finest wine
And the greatest of feasts
Will always be, yet to come. 

The troubles of the present
Are nothing compared with eternity
Passing over our heads
Like ghosts in the shadows. 

Remember and rejoice
In any and everything
For every disappointment
Will be turned
And every defeat,

The world shall yet again
Be renewed
Yes, reborn
Even from sin
And even from death. 

Love and pray for them all
All of those who live in your heart
Now more than ever
Diligently and reverently.

Love, generosity,
Companionship and joy
No matter the circumstance
This shall ever separate the good
And save many
Even yet, unborn.

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