Friday, December 20, 2013

Hide and Seek

 Hide and Seek 12/20/2013

I leave from work
And look over my shoulder
A man without a country
And a country without a soul.

Go tell the Spartans
That we have
Left it all
Sold out and betrayed
But too afraid to fight. 

Dumb, mild
And herded like sheep
Slaughtered one by one
Without a blink of an eye. 

Words are not enough
And they choke out my breath
Futile and wasted
Because no one cared enough
To mention the fallen. 

Human accomplishment
Is wasted and worthless
Because we always forget
All that we fought for
And all that we learned.

Second guessing ourselves
And chucking centuries of labor
As we devolve ever downward
And slouch to the ground. 

It takes courage to forgive
But it also takes wisdom
To say enough
When there is far more at stake
Than our own comfort.

The trend is for death
And the signs are everywhere
As the unkind and unforgiving
Spread like weeds.

Those yet unborn
Will curse us for sure
For the scraps we will leave them
Are worth nothing at all. 

And hunted
Their prospects are bleak
All because we were cowards
And played along.

Yes, go tell them now
That here it is, we live
In a land of gathering shadows
Long low and lean. 

The king is coming
But not a moment too soon
Because without faith
All would be lost. 

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