Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Night Owl

Night Owl  12/10/2013

Some nights
Are longer than others
And you toss and turn
Over and over again. 

Unable to sleep with your brain on fire
Racing with fevered thoughts
Too tired to rise
And too troubled to sleep.

I never look at the clock
Because what good would that do
As the bewitching hours
Fill me with dread, and loathing.

So much has passed me over
Yet so much doubt remains
As I force myself to keep going
And do it all over again.

Last night was a windless night
Black, sultry, and thick
The kids slept
But I was awake.  

My son sleeps peacefully
So young and full of life
With everything ahead
And nothing to regret. 

But the world he enters
Is fraught with danger
And hidden horror
Just waiting around the curve.

One mistake
Can cost you everything
And one miscalculation
Can burn you alive.

He can see things
That I can’t
And he knows things I cannot know
Still innocent enough
To imagine and dream.

He is trusting
And he is pure
As good as anyone could ever be
And so much more. 

He talked to Angels
And he saw my father
Saying goodbye
For the last time. 

But I am guarded
And I am wary
Looking in every direction
And watching every move.

Unable to see the forest
For the trees
And stuck on the details
Eating me alive.

For him life is simple
For me it is all consuming
As I worry about the future
And ruminate on the past.

What should I tell him
And would it ever be enough
About how precious is every smile
And how miraculous every breath.

God protect him
And keep him near
For this world is fallen
And spinning out of control.

Limping to the end
It drags its dead along
On another journey
Of tragedy
All over again.

We live
But never learn
And we talk
But never change
Still just as dumb
As we are afraid. 

God help me
To appreciate love
More valuable than ever
Priceless and divine. 

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