Thursday, December 19, 2013

Plaques on the Wall

Plaques on the Wall 12/19/2013

We hold our nose
And do what we must
As others take full liberty
To do what they will.

Taking the biggest slice
And belittling others
Reducing whoever they choose
To nothing at all.

How many times
Have I been invisible?
Shrinking inside myself
Because of what I had to endure
For the sake of family
And money. 

Slave to an institution
Of artificial ranks
Bestowed on some
For all the worst reasons.

Those willing to pretend
And those willing to lie
Amoral sycophants
Groveling for more.

One talks to another
About something they already know
While someone else makes a graph
To prove how great it was.

Such is man
And all our efforts
As we grow larger and larger
And so full of ourselves.

Ever striving for more titles
And more plaques on the wall
We clamor over nothing
Overly proud
Of nothing at all. 

When we leave
We are gone
And nothing ever remains
As we are gathered to our fathers
In the dead dust of time.

But it is far better
To be real
Than it is to be a leader
Because who have you seen
That ever led at all.  

I was here
But I do not pretend
And I live
But acknowledge the truth.

There is no future in truth
Not in this world
But that is not a bad thing
When the world has turned
Upside down. 

All of this is dying
And it shall come crashing down
Built for all the wrong reasons
At just the perfect time. 

Have a nice day
And have a nice night
Because nothing is forever
And neither is this. 

A happy ending
Is the best beginning
Because even the worst dies
So the good can live again. 

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