Friday, December 13, 2013

The Winter Castle

The Winter Castle  12/13/2013

I have a Russian chair
That came from my father’s house
Gilded wood
And red velvet
Neoclassical and carved.

It has always been there
As long as I can remember
A part of him
And now a part of me.

Timeless and changeless
It sits in my bedroom
But from where he got it
I have no idea. 

He is gone
And his records are dust
But time remains an illusion
Yet to be acknowledged
Or mastered.

I have no home
And I have no country
Sold out and devalued
Until there is nothing left at all. 

Man reaches for the heights
But he falls far below
Barely leaving the ground
Before he forgets
And doubts.

Everything has been exploited
And strange gods sit on the shelf
As we slouch forward
And fall on the ground.

Behold the ruins
Of all that was
As we grasp at the threads
And pull them apart.

But home is where the heart is
And peace is never far away
Whenever we remember
To pray.

His dreams
Are safe with me
And I shall give the chair
For my son to keep.

A throne fit for a castle
Solid, steep and mighty
Invisible and remote
And shrouded in snow. 
Where ever he is
And whatever will be.
I am with him
And he is with me.

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