Friday, May 18, 2012

Dead Metal

Dead Metal 5/18/2012

A cold dead weight
Feels good in your hands
Explosive, and deadly.

Somebody somewhere
Is hiding
His hands dripping with death
And running down his arms.

He has run
And he has hid
But others know
And others look.

Slowly stalking through the rooms
And searching every closet
Under the bed
And behind the doors.

Somewhere the truth is hidden
And someone must search it out
Sorting out fact from fiction
And drag it out
Into the light.

No one can run forever
And no one can escape the truth
Everyone a prisoner
And everyone guilty.

The masks are coming off
And you can see the real disease
The kind that rots the brain
With hatred, and jealousy.

More than a theory
And grainy photographs
The truth behind the fallacy
And the lie before our eyes.

It takes a man to understand the truth
Even if it’s uncomfortable
And even if it hurts
Because the truth is not always easy
No matter what we wish.

But fools will be fools
And we should let them flounder
Swinging wildly at the air
Unable to accept reality
And grow.

No problem can ever be solved
If you can’t say what it is
And the future is no different
Than the past we drag behind.

Fallen on their swords
That they themselves sharpened
Murder for murder
And death for death.

Let the dead carry the dead
And lay them out in the sun
With nothing left to say
And nothing left to offer.

Outgunned, outclassed
Dumb, useless and dead
The most guilty of all
Dried out
And petrified.

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