Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Media Culture Complex

Media Culture Complex

The future spins unknown
And we cannot know until it happens
Like a cat in a box
Neither dead or alive
Until we open it up to check
And look inside and see.

Such is the dream
Of a thousand similar worlds
Splitting off with different outcomes
With infinite possibilities
Just and unjust.

I sit in an office
In a tall glass building
But this isn’t really
What I planned
Or what I guessed.

But none of us are trapped
Because a new world has opened
Where we can search out the truths
Unreported and suppressed.

A limitless world of ideas
Spreading out in all directions
A great exchange of ideas
And divergent opinions.

There are many who hate it
And wallow in the past
Nursing their injuries
For comfort and profit.

Who rage against any
Who would dare disagree
Threatening and shouting
The same old song
We have all heard before.

Manipulating the facts
Just to suit their opinion
And hiding behind titles
That they never earned at all.

This is the world
That they have created
A world of terror
And ethnic hatred.

Where the hands of the good
Are tied behind their back
Facing an enemy
Shameless and corrupt.

A world of situational ethics
Where the only thing that matters
Is getting what you want
And everything real
Is degraded and spoiled.

Where a made up moral equivalence
And misplaced guilt
Is used like a hammer
To beat down the honest.

But this superficiality is dead
And dying
Made just for consumption
And flushed away cheap.

A mockery of reality
Where the shallow are praised
The good forgotten
And evil excused.

The word is truth
And it is here, right now
Spreading everywhere
Uncontrollable and uncensored.

Where even the hidden
Can be revealed
And even the suppressed
Can be discussed
No longer silenced or forbidden.

If this world should die
Then new life shall grow
A world with infinite possibilities
Verdant and beautiful.

We are only prisoners
If we want
And we are only silent
If we choose.

Let the talking heads preach
And let the pundits argue
Because we have seen
And now we know.

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