Thursday, May 3, 2012


Counterpunch   5/3/2012 

It is enough to turn your stomach
And enough to make you cry
That everything you are
Or ever were
Is thrown away and trashed.

Over whelmed and overun
Denied, ridiculed, and rejected 
Detroyed from behind
What no one ever dared
To stare in the eye.

Grabbing you by the guts
And pulling you inside out
Up, down, side, to side,
And never letting go. 

Caught in the crossfire
And shot by both sides
Hung up the heels
And dragged in the dirt.

Reality is here
And there is nothing pretty about it
Another day falling downward
And closer to the end. 

Rome is burning
And no one says a word
Because fear grips the good
And evil men
Roam the street.

No one wants to get dirty
But the silent
Are drenched in blood
Giving up too easily 
To the dumb, worthless, and dead.

Empty words
Are no better than lies
Just another hand out
And pearls before swine.

It is midnight
And all is quiet
A heavy handed silence
You can cut with a knife.

Nothing means anything
And all of this you see
Is nothing but a joke
Just another fantasy
That will all go up in smoke.

Some people see others
And some people only see themselves
Finding their own reflection
In everything and everyone.                    

I will keep going
But I cannot see where
With just enough to keep me moving
And nothing but these words
Left to share.

You can call it
Whatever you want
But I don’t have a choice
And I don’t really care.

It has been too long
To wish any different
And I have seen enough
To know how it ends.

If you thought
It would end badly
Then you were definitely right
But this war is not really over
And I have barely joined the fight.

If you know who it is
And you know
From where its coming
You can absorb the blows
And shrug them off.

But the answer
Has been waiting
For the longest time
Held back until the end
At the point of no return
Across a line in the sand.   

Now that we know the sting
Then its time to trade the punches
Answering the first
With the first of the last.

If you have lived enough
Then you should know it by now
That if we don’t do it
Maybe no one will.  

Let the future wonder
How we could be so wrong
But on the right side of liberty
Is where I’ll rest my head.

Let there be no doubt
About who, what, and where
Because good will win
As long as truth survives.

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