Monday, May 21, 2012

High Tide

High Tide

The water fills the bucket
Until it tilts over
Spilling on our heads
Only to fall backwards
And fill up again.

The tipping point has come
And there is no turning back
As the water runs down and over
To rise at our feet.

One thing is one thing
But it always leads
To something else
Either for the better
Or for the worse.

The levels are rising
But no one does a thing
As long as we can breathe
With our heads above water.

But our feet have slowed
As more and more lay hold
Sapping our strength
Until we can barely stand.

How many parasites does it take
To bring down the mighty beast?
Overworked and underfed
And hobbled by debt.

Bought off with sugar cubes
And soothing fallacies
A lullaby of deception
Until the poison takes effect.

Unspoken is the promise
When evil outweighs the good
When its too late to stop
Devolution and genocide.

Many are blamed
But the truth hurts more
Because no one else is to blame
For what ignorance has caused.

It doesn’t matter if I rhyme
And it doesn’t matter how it sounds
Because it is the truth that matters
Both the cause and the cure.

We all should know
What is genuine
And what is fake
Careful not to trust
Criminals and frauds.

Preying on prejudice
And preaching vulgar hate
Demeaning truth and logic
Anyway they can.

Calculating how much
They can get
And how long it will take
For the beast to weaken
Fall down and die.

That even the great
Could be so foolish
Strong enough to fight
But brought down from within
By difference and inaction.

Able to defeat any foe
But unable to preserve himself
Such is the truth
That no one speaks
Or knows.

Look around
And tell me what you see
Because the truth is dying
And so also is liberty.

Fools breed corruption
And corruption breeds dictatorship
The tyranny of the few
Feeding the prejudice
Of many.

Some people may teach
And some others may preach
Rewarded and emboldened
To incite hatred and death.

Deeper and deeper it gets
And its too late
To look the other way
Time to turn it off
Or be swept away.

Time waits for no one
And it won’t wait for me
But how can I ever leave
With so much left to give.

The young and defenseless
Are not guilty at all
Yet they are the sacrifice
That evil wants to eat.

Protected only by numbers
And democracy on life support
Living on borrowed time
Indoctrinated and abused.

Time to stand
Upon the dry ground
Rising to defend a future
Waiting to be born.

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