Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Burning Couch

It has killed many
And it will kill more
Swallowing them down
And leaving them to rot
In the belly of darkness
In a deep black hole.

The horror of addiction
Is deep and dark
Pulling you in
And never letting go.

Where day and night
Have no meaning
And all the weeks a blur
Always looking to score
And always wanting more.

Reality is painful
And sobriety a horror
As we look for something
To make us forget.

Deluded by euphoria
And numbed to the pain
Dependent on something
Just to help us cope
Until we waste away
Without conscience or hope.

Some commit suicide
And some lash out in anger
Carried by the current
Of delirium
And madness.

Some don’t care
If they live or die
Because they’re in too deep
And cannot escape.

Without the will to live
And unable to eat
Lying naked on the couch
With your skin on fire.

There is no escape from living
And oblivion can last forever
Loveless, senseless
Terrifying and complete.

The most courageous things
Often pass unnoticed
And the greatest of decisions
May remain unknown.

You cannot save others
If you can’t save yourself
And there is no wound so deep
That God cannot heal.

You can help
And you can pray
But in the end
We must make a choice
Life or death
Truth or lie.

5/15/2012 By Rob McManus

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