Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tick Tock

Tick Tock 5/17/2012

You can underline the words
And you can connect the dots
Solve the puzzle
Or catch a killer.

You can tracing a line through logic
Or make a guess through wisdom.
Plotting out the possibilities
To search out the truth.

But man lives by respiration
And activity in the brain
As the heart pumps the blood
Surging through the body
Over and over again.

We survive on food and water
And procreate by instinct
Grasping for comfort
And angling for power.

We are soothed by love
But kill by instinct
Either for self preservation
Or greed.

But all people are not the same
Each one different
And each one unique
A single solitary combination
Of DNA, traits, and character.

But it is the soul that makes us different
And it is a conscience
That can make us better
An inner voice
And the immortal spirit.

All men suffer
And all men make mistakes
But not all men murder
And not all men rape.

God has called down the fire
And it has entered my heart
Burning forth with fury
With thoughts, feelings and words.

Nothing can change what is right
And nothing ever will
No matter how we stack the odds
Or tilt the field.

What is right is right
And what is wrong is wrong
No matter what we qualify
Excuse, or justify.

No culture can survive
Nor can a country prosper
That does not cherish the good
Or reward the deserving.

And no man will ever see God
Who hates the good
And murders the innocent
All for vanity
And all for pride.

This time shall surely pass
And so shall this culture crumble
Rotted from the inside out
Superficial, predictable
Spoiled, and dead.

Because there is no justice like Gods
And his decisions cannot be appealed
His wisdom above
And his judgment divine.

Many of the high and mighty
Shall be brought low
And no matter how
They wail and cry
It will be too late to change
And too late to argue.

I am humble
But I am thankful
Hurt enough to know
And wise enough to wait.

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