Monday, May 14, 2012

The Debt Collector

The Debt Collector 5/14/2012

Some people get what they want
But there's never enough for all
Shoved aside in the excitment
As they drop their heads
To feed at the trough.

The pie never gets bigger
And nothing stays the same
As someone else decides
Who shall live
And who shall die.

Someone has to pay the price
And someone has to go without
Swallowing their pride
And hanging their head.

Such is life
As we know it
An ever growing pecking order
Moving up or moving down
Changing with the times
And the vagaries of man.

There is always lots of help
When life is easy
But none can be found
When you need it the most.

Everybody wants to be the boss
And everybody thinks
That they are a leader
But the wisest men
Seldom seek false glory.

Not given to the weakness
Of pride and speeches
The kind we have all heard
Rising and falling
With hypocrisy and bile.

Instead they work
Staying out of the way
And staying out of trouble
But hiding will not save
The many from the few.

We get what we deserve
Another day older
And deeper down a hole
Owing more and more
Because of indecision
And cowardice.

A long day’s coming
And a long night’s lament
The future we asked for
But hoped to avoid.

Reality is calling
And we all run for cover
Hiding behind false hope
As all our dreams
Are overrun.

It’s hard to get credit
When the future is black
And it’s hard to keep on going
With ten men on your back.

All the money in the world
Cannot buy a lost future
Indebted to a promise
Long lost and fruitless.

No one wants to pay
Once the balance is due
So they just pass it along
And add it up another tick.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease
And the loudest mouth will get the reward
Upside down and backwards
The wasted expenses
Fudged over and passed along.

There is no rest
And there is no remorse
As we trudge upwards
In spite of the weight.

Someday and somehow
Everything will be paid
Paid back in blood
And paid back in sorrow.

I owe plenty
But it’s a lot
More than money
But either way
I will pay
On time, and in full.

You cannot kill the dead
And you cannot destroy the spirit
Untraceable and undeniable
Rising up from the shadows.

Beating at their conscience
And knocking at their door
Breaking ever window
And rising from the floor.

Collecting the debts
And all the interest too
Dishing out the penalties
Of life, limb and more.

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