Friday, March 30, 2012


Thoughts on April Fools Day 2012

Mirage 3/30/2012

People see what they want
Because they lack inner strength
The vision of the mind
And the guidance of the soul
That searches for the truth
Hidden among the lies.

The pendulum swings
Back and forth
But the truth stays the same
Like the voice of the spirit
Burning in our heart.

Fools will be distracted
Like moths to a flame
Used, abused and wasted
Like a shovel
In a hole.

Always dependable
And always useful
Easily manipulated
To ask for more.

A wise man watches the hands
Because distraction is death
In an instant
Dead and gone.

While one hand
Grasps for attention
The other seeks to murder
The end justifying the means
To plunder and kill.

Now you see it
And now you don’t
Fudging the numbers
And flushing the brain.

The sleight of the hand
Hides many a theft
While they eyes of many
Are blinded by dreams.

Do you see?
And do you know?
The face behind the name
And the truth behind the lies.

But if you look closely
You can see what they mean
Inaction and silence
Just as deadly as words.

Behold the strutting fools
On precipice of destruction
Up and over
Dumb as dust.

Connect the dots
And fill in the spaces
Because to know
Is to understand
The reason and the cure.

The soulless will never know
And evil shall devour its own
Just in time
Just like we knew.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pick and Pay

Cold Slab 3/29/2012

Every day is another chance
But every day the chips must fall
Landing in piles
Either which way, they may
And it pays to watch, and learn.

The numbers add up
Whether we notice or not
And the truth is obvious
No matter what people may say.

You can argue on a chance
And you can say what you want
Grasping at probabilities
That we all know are fake.

If you search, you will find
Because the truth is in the numbers
Every day new
And every day the same.

Maybe not in the headlines
And maybe not in capital letters
But buried in the back
Still true and authentic.

You can write a book
And you can lecture a class
But no matter what you say
The truth happens
Every single day.

Some people do what is right
And some will not
And some people are fair
And some never are.

Some will look to help
And others will look to steal
Just as some will build
And others tear apart.

Some accept responsibility
And learn from their mistakes
But others just look for excuses
And blame someone else.

Each and every day
Each and every man
Can choose what he does
And how he acts.

And it takes the strongest
To tell the truth
Even if it hurts
Just because it is true
And that is what he does.

The brave will do what is right
And stare down the false
While cowards hide
With their heads in the sand.

Today there is a chance
And today there is a choice
Who we are
Adding up
To what we do.

So who am I
And what are you
Because today is another day
A good day, for the truth.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Death Clock Poem

The Death Clock 3/28/2012

Tick tock goes the clock
Ticking downwards in a curve
A bloody countdown to who knows what
But no surprise at all.

Day after day
And night after night
The plants grow and thicken
The fruits of the time
Fresh, green and plump.

Ripe for the picking
And hanging low enough to touch
Dripping with juice
Thick, red and rich.

You can smell it in the air
And you can feel it in your bones
That the reaper is coming
To gather
What is sown.

We have nurtured the seeds
With cowardice and retreat
And we have watched it watered
With the blood of the good.

Blamed, denied
And held up for abuse
For the little gods of convenience
Beaten and crucified.

Every man has a motive
And every action a reason
One being the goal
And the other a plan.

It is wise
To use your eyes
And search for the truth
But not just the convenient
Or the popular.

Vanity is the worst
When it works on the weak
Evolving into narcissism
And poisonous pride.

The shallow graves of many
Have become fertilizer
Feeding the fruit of hell
Full and rich
Heavy and ripe.

What we say
And what we do
Are both important
But silence is the voice of complicity
Just as deadly
As poison.

Point by point
And bullet by bullet
A rising tide of death
Shall swallow itself.

The end shall justify the means
Until the end burns away
Washing away all that was
Fresh, clean and new.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sword Swallower

Sword Swallower 3/27/2012

It is a bitter pill
That we have to swallow
Bitter and barbed
Sharp and dirty.

Pulled by the mouth
And jerked in all directions
We spin our wheels
Going nowhere fast.

Such is the life
Of the middling worker
Used and used again
And always chasing
After the prize.

We learn to suppress
And we learn to be quiet
Doing nothing to draw attention
And nodding our heads
In perfect agreement.

We watch as the stupid
Dumb down the world
Rewarding the shallow
And burying the truth.

But digesting the truth
Isn’t always easy
As it sticks in the gut
And never goes away.

A foreign object
That attracts infection
Rotting us
From the inside out.

Spreading to the heart
And spreading to the brain
Forming a thick callous
In a million small degrees.

And we decay into silence
Atrophied by time
And gagged with fear
Until we die
Deformed and forgotten.

I don’t need a rock
To break through this glass
And I don’t need an excuse
To do what is right.

Only you can choose
How you live
Or how you die
The most important decision
Better finished right
And better finished true.

The Straw Man 3/27/2012

The world loves
Men made of straw
Because they are easy to make
And easy to kill.

We can give them hair
And we can give them eyes
Put skin on their bones
And words in their mouth.

We make them foolish
And we make them mean
Setting them up
Just to knock them down.

They make us look witty
And they make us feel good
Because they are mute
Deaf. Dumb and dead.

Useful opponents of the weak
And the ignorant
Who have never done a thing
And never fucking will.

Because nothing is easier
Than a one-sided fight
With every punch and counter punch
Staged and executed.

Good becomes evil
And evil becomes good
Because men without a conscience
Don’t care
As long as they get their money
And as long as they get their way.

Because the weak need something
To fill their empty heads
So they summon up a lie
And attack from behind.

They need to feel superior
And they need to let you know
As if any of it matters
When the truth is obvious.

But it does not take brilliance
To see through this game
Just a glass wall
Thin and fake.

But if you have eyes
Then you can see
The man behind the mask
And the puppets on a string.

Draw back the curtains
To see who they are
The liars and the pretenders
Paper tigers
Fake and dead.

They are the weak
And they are the dumb
Substituting prejudice
For intelligence and vision.

Burn the straw men
But don’t mess with me
Because I know the truth
And I will not give in.

I live in the real world
And I am not afraid
More than able
And more than ready.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Glisten 3/26/2012

Some things
Are just too good to last
Like a golden reflection
That glistens in the sun.

Flashing for an instant
Without notice or plan
Burning into our soul
And then it vanishes
Gone forever.

Like a meteor
Burning through the night
Tearing across the sky
Gone, almost before you see it
In the blink of an eye.

The good are taken
Innocent and pure
And the brilliant are snuffed out
Leaving a soft afterglow
In the middle of our minds.

Like soft lips on the beach
That taste like melted butter
As the sunrays bounce off the waves
Lingering on your eyelids
And glowing in the brain.

We are just spectators
To the brilliance of God
Enthralled by the beauty
We can never recreate.

Craning our necks to see
The lights in the sky
Suspended like glass spheres
Eternal and remote.

The soft summer breeze
Rushes through me
Cooling me down
At just the right time.

Like invisible spirits
That come again and again
To caress their loved ones
Dead and gone.

Standing in a field
Or laying in bed
Looking backwards into memory
And laughing.

Come again comet
And streak through my sky
Because before, I was just looking
But now I am changed
Transformed by a moment
And never again, the same.

Love me again
And kiss me once more
Long and slow
Bringing me back, to the beginning
With time to kill.

Life is quick
And love is fleeting
But it’s ok, to wait
Unexpectedly returning
All over again.

Friday, March 23, 2012

American Bleeder

American Bleeder 3/23/2012
By Robert MacManus

American Bleeder
Always hurting himself
American Bleeder
Reckless and defiant.

American Bleeder
Writing words words of wisdom
American Bleeder
Kicking out the windows
And breaking down the walls.

Always living outside the lines
And always changing the game
Unleashing his passions
In a million different ways.

Haunting all the deserted places
With spray paint in his hand
Making something out of nothing
In words, pictures, and sound.

But if there is one thing
That none of us need
Its someone else’s opinion
And someone else’s cure.

American Bleeder
Bouncing out of town
Always going somewhere different
And splattering himself around.

No one lives forever
And no one knows it all
So what does it matter?
How we live
Or what I choose.

Life is short
And the world is dead
So we might as well live
In the boldest of colors.

Spending ourselves
In the pursuit of the authentic
Finding the perfect curve
And looping back over again.

American Bleeder
Writing down the words
Like a poet or a prophet
True as we always were.

Just because we don’t agree
Doesn’t make me wrong
And just because I am different
Doesn’t make me dumb.

Some people love to analyze
But they’re only fooling themselves
Just repeating what they heard
And wasting all their breath.

Can’t they see
That it’s all turned to shit
And the world is upside down
Or are they just scared
To see what they have done.

American Bleeder
This is for you and me
American Bleeder
Let’s get out of here
And get out fast.

American Bleeder
We don’t need an excuse
And no, there is no reason
For any fake apologies.

Run through the fire
Fearless and free
Because to settle for less
Is to die and die again.

Say whatever you want
And do whatever you please
Because this is my world also
And I am not scared.

And we can dance to armegeddon
And watch the rubble bounce
Laughing at the fire
Untouched and invincible.

Shout and scream the truth
And write the words
For everyone to see
Because now is the time
To get out of here.

American Bleeder
Both you and me
American Bleeder
Pure, wild,and free.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Encrypted by Robert MacManus 3/22/2012

Some things you see coming
As they grow larger in the horizon
Getting bigger and bigger
Until it happens
Surprising no one.

Other things you guess Or maybe its just a hunch
The kind of things that make you suspicious
And chew on your gut
A feeling that you just can't shake
That sticks in your mind

But other things defy all logic
And leave you in disbelief
Turning everything upside down
Without explanation.

They happen while you were sleeping
Or they happen in a split second
Senseless dumb and horrifying
Seldom good and seldom fair.

The good are taken
And innocent slaughtered
Either by insanity
Or venomous hatred.

It is in those moments
That you can see
That the world is unhinged
And teeters off its axis
Spinning out of control.

And time takes on an extra heaviness
That weighs down our spirits
Crushing us
Until we don’t care.

Desensitized to the terror
And accepting of tyranny
Holed up
In front of a television.

We try to protect ourselves
But accepting the status quo
Thinking that everything will be ok
And that someone else
Will make it right.

We talk about love
But cheapen it
And throw it away
Always looking for door number three
Something better or more interesting.

We try on hobbies and ideas
Or maybe even religion
But always throw them away
Like a pair of pants
That we didn’t like.

When things take time
We lose our interest
Thinking that there must be something
To fill the emptiness inside.

But all we do
Is waste our efforts
And get tangled in our mistakes
Trapped by our selfishness
In a sticky mass of mistakes.

Held in place for the spider
To come and eat as he pleases
Sucking out our blood
Dead as dead can be.

I too, have made mistakes
Oh yes, I have made a few
Ending up far from where I started
And twice as lost as before.

Falling further behind
With every single mistake
And suffering needlessly
All along the way.

Tragedy happens
And so also does betrayal
But no man is without sin
So we pack up our heartaches
And drink them away.

I have come so far
Only to fall down again
But at least now I know
Better late than never.

So I write this like a letter
And I shall send it out
Unknown and nameless
Like a message in a bottle
Drifting out to sea.

Once my daughter and I
Wrote a prayer on a balloon
Then we stood out in the front yard
And let it go.

Watching it as long as we could
As it rose higher and higher
Becoming ever smaller in the sky
Until it disappeared.

Let this be like a prayer
And let this show my heart
A letter to God
On a calm gray morning.

Thanks for loving me
And thanks for remembering me
Thanks for the gift
And the light.

All these things
That have happened
I know were for my good
Even the tragic
And even the hard.

I have bundled them, up in my heart
And now I let them go
Sending them upwards
For you to solve.

You know all my faults
And you know all my thoughts
You knew me all along
But loved me anyway.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Watcher in the Wood

Watcher in the woods 3/21/2012

Deep in the woods
Crouches the hunter
Motionless and tense
Watching from a distance
For any movement or form.

Making slow and steady movements
As rigid as iron
Waiting for something to happen
Or something to explode.

The prey lives
And the prey feeds
Gingerly picking though the thicket
In the evening of the day.

But man and animal both have senses
And it is a mystery
How we can feel the eyes
Prickling our skin
And burning our brain.

You can feel it
As your hair stands on end
That something is wrong
And panic sets in.

That threatening feeling
Wells up from within
As you can almost feel the breath
And the teeth.

Your heart starts to race
As you search with your eyes
Pivoting in your tracks
To see who is there.

Men shout out
And prepare to fight
Holding close
All they have
Reaching for a light
Or maybe a gun.

Animals scan with their eyes
And smell with their nose
Searching for something unfamiliar
That warns them to run.

We to are watched
But we never seem to notice
Watched from above
And watched from behind.

Our searches
And our hobbies
Our phones and our cars
Each and every detail
Catalogued and coded.

Watched by one
Or watched by another
With cameras in the sky
And trackers in our phones.

We have access to the world
But the world accesses our minds
Carefully tailoring our needs
Before we even know.

Lumping us together
For advertising and demographics
And counting us like sheep
For political manipulation.

Indoctrinated rather than educated
Told what to think
And told what to do
Shooed away from the truth
All the way to Babylon.

But even the watchers are watched
And the watcher sees everything
Every single trick
And every single lie.

I am alive
And my eyes are clear
Staring straight ahead
Like blazing stones of fire.

Seeing through the forest
To see the burning cities
Cutting though the emotions
Of narcissism and hate.

The magma rises in my heart
As I decide to act
Quickening my blood
For the last pursuit.

When the lid comes off
I will come home
Running down the killers
With a mouthful of fur.

Watch me all you want
Because I am getting close
And I can smell the truth
Calling me to leap.

This forest is different
And it is filled with the dead
Of men and beast
Slaughtered and forgotten.

But now its different
And all the ghosts speak
Because something is about to happen
That has never happened before.

The young lions are here
Fully grown and hungry
Roaring with fury
Fangs,claws, and blood.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hush 3/20/2012

Dogs will follow the scent
By instinct and breed
But with training
They can find the hidden
And the dead.

But man ignores what he sees
And looks the other way
Living in his fantasies
No matter what he hears
And no matter what he knows.

Wise men should think
And learn from the past
Searching for the reasons
Of mystery and deceit.

History is full of fables
And many are those
Who hide what they know
Teaching legends as fact
And truth as fiction.

Buried under our feet
And hidden in the ice
Are the secrets of the dead
And the laws of the living.

The middle men are the cutouts
Replaceable and expendable
Discarded at the proper time
Silent and dead.

Contemplate the opposites
Of life and death
Because the future of one
Is the opposite of the other
Each the same
In a different time.

The opposite of hot is cold
But each is the same
In a different condition
Connected by a reaction
To energy and time.

The opposites are connected
By the smallest of distance
And the power of zero
Is greater than the whole.

Explosive power blows outward
In a violent expansion of space
And implosion crushes inwards
Into another time and place.

Hidden in secrecy
Is the secret of time and distance
Closely guarded in secret
The rotating cylinders of fate.

A glowing purple radiation
Permeates the walls
Killing everything around
With no one left to speak.

To incredible to believe
Are the secrets of the soul
Crawling like black spiders
Into every crevice and crack.

In the back of our minds
And in the bedroom next door
Are the magicians of time
With their hands in our brains.

Spinning mercury around itself
To force apart gravity and time
Splitting the heavens
To go where they please.

Men without honor
Will do what they must
Anything for power
Flesh to water
And dust to dust.

Forgiving mass murder
And absolving genocide
Whatever it takes
To win the day.

The future comes slowly
But the riddle has been solved
As the puppets dance
They all fly away.

The writing is on the wall
And all the kings are naked
Devolving from the good
Venal and corrupt.

Every man who ever lived
Is everywhere and everything
And every place and time
Exists together
Reachable and knowable.

We are the quiet
And we are the sheep
Told when to walk
And told when to sleep.

Herded into pens
And distracted by the game
We live for the moment
Useful as food.

Ancient truth or modern legend
It pays to search your soul
Because the battle for the mind
Rages out of control.

Poison 3/20/2012

She said I was like poison
And a waste of her time
A man unfocused
And purposeless.

She said I had a black cloud
That followed where I went
Pouring down on us
Every single day.

I was death to her future
And a drain on her time
A swirling negative energy
Dragging down her plans.

She said that it was useless
And that I could not change
With too much baggage to keep
And too much trouble to love.

She said I wasn’t trying
And she said that I didn’t care
Too difficult and exhausting
For her to stay.

She left me hanging
And she left me alone
Cut off and bleeding
Without any love at all.

Even the good can be cruel
And she had no idea
About what it felt like then
Or what it feels like now.

She thought I could not be trusted
But she didn't look for the truth
Believing instead of trying
To figure out the lies.

I did what I had to do
And I was better than she thought
Loyal to the end
Even if it hurt.

Indifference is the worst
And it kills from the inside out
Rotting in your stomach
And eating at your guts.

I never understood
And I guess I never will
About how she could pretend
That I never lived at all.

I thought she saw my heart
But all she saw was the pain
Ignoring all the good
And forgetting what I gave.

She was a searcher
Just like me and you
But she was tired of waiting
And would not suffer long.

But all good things
Do not come when we want
But rather God waits
For when we are ready.

I know it wasn’t easy
To love a man like me
But if she would have waited
The best was yet to come.

She is out there
And sometimes we talk
But now she walks in the sun
Away from the clouds.

Nothing will ever be the same
But I can’t waste my time in hate
But rather I forgive
And remember the good.

Maybe I am poison
But I can choose
How I live
Refusing to rain
On those I love.

We see only in part
And seldom listen to ourselves
Never listening or asking
What it is, that others feel.

Kinder to strangers
And more forgiving to friends
We lay our burdens on love
And never think twice.

Love is more than a feeling
But it takes more than words
A constant battle of action
Against inertia and boredom.

Not every man
Gets a second chance
But every day is new
Living and learning
From the inside out.

And it doesn’t matter
If we are forgiven
But rather, it is what we forgive
And what we do.

Life goes on
And the black rain falls
But it’s up to me
What I say
And what I do.

We can drag them down
Or we can build them up
Living in the shadows
Or waiting for the sun.

Black clouds are circumstantial
And poison is the mixture
Half of what we feel
But more of what we do.

Welcome black cloud
But don’t expect me to weep
Because I have seen you before
And I’ll see you again.

I can smile in the shadows
And laugh in the dark
Taking back all I lost
In a million tiny steps.

So let the rain fall
Because I have found love
And now I can live forever
Even if I die.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dead Heat

Dead Heat 3/16/2012

Do not weep
For the man in the arena
Or the man in the ring
Though he’s bruised, bleeding
And staggers to the ropes.

And do not worry
About the unanswered blows
Though they rain down
On his head
Brutal and deadly.

Fear not
For the good
Though they may be tired
And haggard
Because yesterday is over
And someday is here.

Not everything is at it appears
And not everyone is beaten
Because even though we die
The greatest victory
Is about to happen.

Although I have suffered
I remain undefeated
Still standing in the middle
Defiant and indomitable.

My face is set
And my sinews tightened
As I taste the blood
And summon the glory.

Fear shall come
To those who kill
And it shall come
With terror and fury.

Burning forth
At two thousand degrees
And burning away
Everything they were.

Cleansing the cruelty
And purging the hatred
Destroying the destroyers
And killing the enemy.

For the longest time
They have been immune
Protected from shame
And insulated from criticism.

But kindness is often misunderstood
As weakness
And mercy
For blindness.

We have buried our heads in the sand
And with time
The enemy has grown bolder
Crushing the good with his heel
And slaughtering the innocent.

But they have grown arrogant
From cheap victory
And hapless victims
Their voices silenced forever
And mouths gaping wide in terror.

They have been attacked
And they have been humiliated
But soon their blood will speak
Ten times a thousand.

Stand on your feet
And shout out the truth
As unafraid and as fearless
As the last days demand.

Fear nothing
For what can man really do
Nothing that cannot be healed
And nothing that cannot be avenged.

I too have felt the sting
And I too have endured the worst
But I have asked
And the door has opened.

Nothing in this world
Lasts forever
And neither will this
And that is enough reason
To keep up the fight.

The blows are about to be answered
And many voices will speak
Some are good and some are evil
But do not be confused or discouraged
Because the wise
Will see the difference.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time Roll Sidways

Time roll sideways 3/14/2012

It is a familiar feeling
When nothing ever changes
And you can always predict tomorrow
Knowing all the words
Even before they are said.

And you no longer ask
Because you already know
The answers
Because you have heard them all
A million times before.

Because you have lived
Then you know
Exactly all the reasons
Why it is always the same.

It is hard to care
When all we do is lost
And it is hard to try
When you know the truth.

Man makes rules
But then he allows exceptions
And nothing applies to the sacred
Or the politically expedient.

People claw at each other
Like crabs in a bucket
And no one ever escapes
Because they would rather suffer
Then see anyone free.

It is the same old story
Written with different names
Regurgitated over and over
But never really digested.

You would think
That we would learn
And throw off the chains
But we are creatures of habit.

Always afraid to rock the boat
As we watch others singled out
Either for good or for bad
And we blend in the background
Safe for another day.

Our numbers have dwindled
But still we do not act
Too busy holding on
To what little
We have left.

We speak the truth
But only in small groups
Afraid of ridicule
And the accusations of the crowd.

The crowd is dumb
And grows dumber every day
Producing nothing
But consuming everything.

Like a plague of locusts
Eating all the crops
Invading every crack
And finding every grain.

They move in a herd
And believe what they hear
Following a pied piper
Into death and desolation.

They look different
But they all think the same
Deluded, dumb
And part of the herd.

They follow their leader
Straight off a cliff
Re electing thieves
Who steal every day.

They lash out at the good
Who question their motives
Because deep down they know
But follow anyway.

The moon rises
Hollow and deadly
Lighting up the night
For all the dead to see.

The laughing skulls shall mock us
For all that we have done
Losing everything on purpose
Just like they knew we would.

Time wraps around itself
And all men live at once
Interconnected but dumb
And stunted by the fall.

And yes the tide is building
As times slips over the side
Just a predictable as sin
The gleeful murder of man.

They are dancing in the streets
Because they got what they wanted
The world about to explode
With ignorance and hate.

The end swallows up the beginning
And the serpent shall choke on its tail
As the sword of truth
Slays the dragon.

The day will come
And all the good shall return
Back to embrace us once again
As we return to a new beginning
The one we never knew.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Wasted 3/13/2012

The wind up motor
Slows down towards the end
Slower and slower
Until is stops
Motionless, inert,
Dumb and dead.

Our bodies slow
Until they stop
Aging and aging
And rotting in death.

Ceaseless is the ebb and flow
As time and physics
Dance in a circle
And merciless is the curse of death
With no way out
And no way through.

The dull pain of life
Follows us
No matter where we go
And no matter what we do
Ever present
And aching.

We try
And we flail
Wind milling our arms
But nothing ever changes
And nothing ever will.

It is the mind numbing hours
That can drive you to madness
We strike out in desperation
To find something
Or anything to give meaning
To the sterile blandness of life.

Worn down by time
And slowed by inertia
We stay in place
And wait for death.

Running in place
And running on empty
The ideas form
In our fevered brains.

That draw of darkness
That quickens the heart
As we press through the day
With our feet to the floor.

Hell bent on suicide
And roaring to oblivion
Straining and whining
Faster and faster.

Running hot and heavy
And melting down the tires
Scraping metal and metal
Grinding down to nothing.

Everything is burned away
With nothing for the sparks to ignite
Heading into the nothingness
That stretches out forever.

Lost in the dry heat
That sucks up all the water
Leaving an endless wasteland
In the middle of your mind.

That is the place
Where hell meets the road
Where desperation leads to horror
And boredom to violence.

Where the silence of the day
Makes you want to scream
And come out swinging.
Just to prove you are alive
And awake.

That is the dead space
In the middle of nowhere
With nothing to stop you
And nothing to restrain you.

Far away from everything
And forgotten
Pressing down on the gas
Just to get shake off the dust.

To embrace the desire
To break out of expectations
To get away clean
And get away fast.

In a world of slow movements
And stifled dreams
The days last forever
And the nights are blacker than death.

And the horizon stretches out forever
No matter how far you go
Reaching ever further
In optical allusions.

So we go on and on
And if we don’t die
We grow on the inside
Until we outgrow our shell
And become who we are.

The great equalizer awaits
And the reaper gathers his own
Collecting all the souls
But leaving the seeds.

The endless words come out
And leave a trickle on the ground
Just another day wasted
And just another day done.

Yeah, I know the feeling
And yeah, I know it well
Just as deep as it is painful
Purposeless and bored.

I was wasted
And I was picking up speed
Wasting my passions
Without a thought or plan.

But now I have stopped
With my wheels still spinning
Looking backwards
Tired and bleeding.

As good a time as any
To find a place to start
Because we have places to go
And promises to keep.

Picking up the pieces
And holding each one
In no hurry to find
What I already had.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Buried 3/12/2012

The graves are empty
Partially dug and abandoned
Lonely, deep
Dead and cold.

I am here
But I am really someplace else
Somewhere I have been
And never really left.

It is hard to let go
Because when you do
Then it’s gone forever
And no more can we claim it
Or own it.

Our love disappears
And those we lost dissolve
So we hold on as long as we can
And never want to let go.

There are some thoughts
That I cannot write
Too haunting to speak
And foolish, to provoke.

Evil spirits are here
And they fly around
Our heads
Patiently they tempt us
And look for a way in.

The silent white stones
Speak to those who listen
With their ear to the ground
And a willing heart.

But you cannot always trust
Everything you see and hear
Because we fight with more
Than flesh and steel.

But with thoughts, ideas
Feelings and restraint
Against powers no man can see
Day after day
And night after night.

We give too much
Until we can take no more
And we give in
Because we can’t say no.

Logic gets twisted
Inside of our minds
Until wrong is right
And right is wrong.

It is then that we fall
And we have no one to blame
Because we always knew
But did it anyway.

We watch the show
And listen to the puppets
All spouting the same story
Like empty socks of nothing.

Selling us comfort
And telling us lies
Leading us like cattle
For someone else’s knife.

We don’t see the obvious
Even though we always knew
That thing that adults told us
That we never wanted to hear.

We are not unique
And we are not the first
Nothing, but a rung in the ladder
Rotted with time.

Everything is connected
And nothing is left to chance
Because the power and money
Are more important
Than what is right.

Everything is spun,
And turned all around
All the victims planned
And, placed in familiar positions
Just to get what they want.

Every day it happens
But there is so much more
The encroaching evil
Unspeakable and unreported.

Used until the end
We give in
And we give up
As fools and cowards
Wearing false guilt
Tightly around their necks.

Behold the golden calf
Praised and worshipped
Held up for everyone to see
The pride of Lucifer.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Flash Forward

Flash Forward 3/9/2012

One minute you are fine
And the next you are not
Just as easily
Wasted, destroyed, and traded
Like you never lived at all.

If you look far enough
Either forwards or back
Everything becomes the same
Just like it always was.

We are the expendable
Worthless, useless, dumb and dead
All because of circumstances
That no one can control.

As long as we are useful
Everyone will laugh
Until we become an obstacle
And they shoot us in the head.

If you have seen the faces
Then you will never forget
The ones no one would help
That were all washed away.

The agony and the cries
Will remain forever
But so much for feelings
When there is ease and comfort.

We watch our enemies
And we are careful with the law
But we never pay attention
To the people
That call us their friend.

Coming in the back door
And taking without asking
Draining all we worked for
But always wanting more.

Watching every mistake
And counting every step
They keep tabs on the treasure
Because that is what they want.

They prey upon the exhausted
And the heavily obligated
Promising all the shallow comforts
With gifts and praise.

But when the time is ripe
And your back is against the wall
They will turn on you
In an instant
And laugh as you fall.

In the image of the damned
And in the name of the beast
They have killed many
And they will kill you to.

To them it is an achievement
And to them it is just
Because the ends justifies the means
No matter who you trust.

With guile and deceit
Even the mighty have been beaten
Brought down from the back
Or slain in their sleep.

Not all wolves bay at the moon
Because some of them have learned
To lie, manipulate,
And whisper in your ear.

They can be your friend
Or they can be your leader
Telling you sweet nothings
While they lead you to the river.

We are not the first
So we should know better
Because others have written
And others have seen.

Listen to the Greeks
And listen to the Romans
Who built up empires
That have all crumbled away.

Look to the innocent
Who have lived by the truth
Giving up their life
For almost nothing at all.

They also had families
And they also had dreams
Until they stopped watching
And devolved into death.

Other men have stewed in envy
And marinated in hate
Just waiting for the vulnerable moment
To lie, murder, steal.

It isn’t an easy thing to know
And it is a jagged piece of glass
Swallowing the bitter ashes of loss
Without a fight at all.

We look and scan the horizon
And think we have no peer
But seldom do we think
About the greatest danger
Too close to see.

Look at me
See how happy I was
With everything I could ever want
Blessed ten times a thousand.

Thinking that I knew
But knowing only in part
Offered up fat and dead
Split, carved and filleted
For someone else’s reward.

A carefully prepared reminder
Slaughtered under glass
Bred for consumption
By the future and the past.

Surviving takes effort
As well as courage
And victory requires determination
In the face of loss after loss.

To remain standing and vigilant
No matter how long it takes
Resisting all temptation
To compromise with fate.

To take up the sword of liberty
And water it with blood
Fearless and defiant
Against any and all.

It is time to know your friends
As well as your enemies
And separate the good and bad
With an iron heart
And watchful eyes.

Because our fight
Is not just for us
But for the innocent
Those under our care
And those yet to come.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Morning

Thursday Morning 3/8/2012

I underlined the words
And wrote in the margins
Trying to make sense of wisdom
The kind, I hadn’t learned.

I thought I understood
And I thought I knew
But that was then
And this is now.

That innocence is gone
And rots in the grave
Dead and buried with my youth
Never to return.

The creeping doubts came
And made me second guess
Creating a double minded logic
That helped me, fool myself.

I was young
And I felt so alive
And I never hurt anybody
Because I only hurt myself.

I thought that I was immortal
And that I was immune
Safely inoculated
From the tragedy
That others feel.

The chances being so random
And the odds so slim
That we bet against logic
And run headlong into madness.

There is a strange attraction
That draws us to the shadows
Even though we know better
Than to wander in the dark.

Gingerly we feel out the risks
And then when nothing happens
We think that we are safe
Venturing into the unknown
Without any fear at all.

When we step in the snare
We are shocked and appalled
Because only then do we notice
How far we have fallen.

Looking backwards
We can see the difference
And the contrast
But by the time we notice
It is far too late.

People say a lot of things
And everyone is full of advice
But in the end
We are both the cause
And the cure.

They say
That men don’t change
And they say
That they don’t care.

But even the most insurmountable odds
Can be beaten
No matter how hopeless
Or how pointless.

Wisdom comes
And now we understand
That there is more than what we see
And more than what we know.

That it is better to know who to ask
Then it is to know it all
And better to give
Without expectation.

We try and we try
But once we have slipped
Maybe we will learn
That being good
Is better than appearing good.

I have tried
And I have tried
And still I struggle
Uphill and far behind.

The days go by
And there is always something
That reminds me
Of where I was
And where I am.

But just because the world is upside down
Doesn’t mean it will last forever
And just because the good suffer
Doesn’t mean there is no God.

Thought the brass ring
May hang high above
I can still finish strong
Worthy and true.

Today, I shall try again
And I shall never give up
Even though I doubt
And even though I fear.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

To Have and Hold

To have and hold 3/7/2012

It’s getting hard to remember
The sound of her laugh
And the gentleness of her touch
As time blunts memory
And the feeling fades away.

At first I kept everything
Exactly how she left it
Perfectly preserved
And undisturbed.

But things change
And you can’t stay that way forever
So I bundled them all up
And gave her clothes away.

The quiet stillness of the house
Was more than a little suffocating
But there is no escape
From all that we were.

I wanted to run away
And forget I ever knew
But my conscience would never let me
Get away with that.

But how can a man
Live in the past
When there is no point or reason
Except to kill yourself.

We had hopes
And we had dreams
But now they are gone
And I wonder
If that was me at all.

Others live also
And others make their plans
Buying selling and moving
Zig sagging through life.

But as for me
I am still sinking
Free falling into a dead white space
With no end in sight.

I stopped caring
And I stopped trying
Because how can you smile
When your heart is broken
And bleeding.

I tried to forget
The only way I could
Escaping into the fake euphoria
That only chemicals
Can give you.

But in the end
The loss remains
And there is no escape
Except in death.

And how can I leave
The children I love
When they are all I have
And need me so.

I went to my daughter’s bedroom
Just to tell her good night
And I hugged her tightly
And kissed her on the cheek.

She reminds me of her
But also of me
A beautiful reminder
Of hope and loss.

How can she ever really know
All the agony I have felt
And how can any man protect
The perfect and the pure.

My mind fills with doubts
As I think back
Across my life
Remembering those I knew
Who have all gone away.

I pray that it’s not forever
And I hope for tomorrow
Loving with all my heart
As I quietly let go.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Desperation 3/6/2012

Waiting in a car
And riding down the rails
Just a second away from calamity
And a heart beat from death.

There are the trying times
When the numbness of waiting
Takes its toll
As we look for any kind of thrill
Just to stay awake.

Time seems to grind to a stop
And everything takes forever
Weighing down our spirits
Heavy, thick, and hot.

It is these desperate hours
That makes us hurt ourselves
Because we yearn for escape
And long for freedom.

There is no way to safely express
The way we really feel
So we never tell the truth
And just keep on smiling.

Everyone pretends
And hopes against hope
While the fire licks at our feet
And the smoke burns our lungs.

I wanted to escape
And I wanted to start over
To have a blank slate
And live all over again.

To make the right choices
At all the right times
Holding on to the precious moments
And never let go.

But all real men
Should know the truth
That you can never go back
Once you have lost.

This is for the broken hearted
And those who wait upon the end
Hoping against hope
And praying in their minds.

I also understand
What it feels like
And If I can survive
Then many others will.

Getting up and walking
One foot in front of the other
Day after day
And night after night.

All of this shall end
And that is not so bad
Because we will need
What we have learned
Down the road.

It is never too late
For one man to love
Giving what he has left
Without expectations.

To live in the now
With all of his heart
Giving with a glad heart
No matter what.

We are worthy
Because we know
And survive
Ten times stronger
And more than enough.

Ending the Game

Ending the Game 3/6/2012

If you know where I am heading
Then you can guess, where I have been
Riding on a long black train
Straight through the mouth of hell.

I could try and explain
But it would just come out wrong
Because I don’t believe in excuses
And I am already justified.

I have been waiting
Waiting for the longest time
My hand itching
And my heart racing.

Suffering the varied misfortunes
That make up this life
Watching everything come unraveled
And wreak havoc in all directions.

Reeling from one disaster to another
Ever since that day
That day I lost my love
And I drowned in despair.

Irish whiskey made it go away
But just for a little while
So I always needed more
Always pulling up the black blanket
To hide my face.

Was it all my fault?
And is that what I deserved?
Thrown away and forgotten
Like I never lived at all.

I see and I know
How others throw fits and tantrums
Anything to get what they want
And anything to get their way.

I see how they lie
And I know what they have done
The incredible cruelty
That makes your blood boil.

They are passionless
And shallow
Empty and dead
Just a bag full of need
That will never be full.

Yeah I have been some places
But I am tired of the game
Tired of throwing myself uphill
And rolling down again.

I have learned some things
And now, I know how it feels
How it feels to lose everything
And be all alone.

Some men burn their bridges
And injure themselves
But It’s just a fucking ploy
That they have done to themselves.

They give up everything
But its only to steal somthing else
Trading their obligations
For door number three.

They want the money
Because that is what they treasure
Because they have no conscience,
No honor, and no soul.

They are the stunted
And they are the childish
Incapable of growth
Unless it serves themselves.

Yes I have seen
And yes I also know
Stiffening my sinews
And calling up the blood.

They will never have enough
So they always look for more
As if I have not suffered
And as if I do not know.

But there are some things about me
That they have never known
And yes I am still standing
And I will eat them whole.

Yes I am a man
And yes I have a heart
Beating stronger than theirs
And twice as large.

Hell has made me stronger
And suffering has tempered my heart
Until I can shake the earth
With words they cannot know.

God is real
And he is alive
Stronger than death
And greater than the world.

The gift is for the asking
But the responsibility is great
Not for the fickle
And not for the meek.

I have learned to be fearless
And I laugh at their hatred
Soaking it up
And burning it away.

I am riding a train
And we are picking up speed
Unstoppable and undeniable
Heavy and hot.

I am coming home
And nothing can stop it now
Because the harder it gets
The more I fight.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Walking on Ice

Walking on Ice 3/2/2012

A thin barrier is all we have
Between life and death
A silvered thread
Clear and transparent
Holding us
In the here and now.

But you can't always tell
Where the dangers lurk
So we must choose our steps wisely
And know every risk.

Like a man on a tightrope
Must maintain his balance
Lest he fall into the nothingness
And die.

With each step and reaction
He must carefully measure
Managing the sway
From side to side.

The ice thickens
But to those who fall through
It can become a frozen nightmare
And a watery grave.

It is a miracle that we are here
And there must be a reason
That we survive
And remember.

Therefore, it is a sacred duty
To find out how and why
Learning from our mistakes
And sharing what we know.

Turning over the secrets
The hidden truth in the lies
And the lies about the truth
Because nobody knows it all
But all of us, know a little.

Our hearts and minds feel, think and react
To the stimuli around us
Preconditioned and hardwired
Unconscious and blind.

Hurling ourselves upstream
In a never ending quest
Seeking replication
And eternity.

For some the end
Shall always justify the means
Perfectly at ease
With any lie or deception.

Unhindered by conscience
And without any remorse
They give just to get
And promise just to steal.

They do not bother themselves
With regret or doubt
But rather demonize their victims
And conceal all their crimes.

As for me
Oh, how I long to act
To do something dramatic
And meaningful.

To take the future in my hands
And do what I will
Destroying what is wrong
Just to make it right.

There is a clarity in violence
But also a strength in stoic grace
Standing erect and staring straight ahead
When all you want
Is blood.

Holding back your hands
With dignity and honor
Showing the difference
By rising above
And beyond.

I too have been there
And I have been tested
Again and again
Fired, pounded
Frozen and fired
Until I thought I would die.

It is in those moments
Endless and unbearable
That we feel the pull
As blood, muscle and sinew
Stiffen and surge.

And then comes the moment
That makes us
Who we are
Either for the better
Or the worse.

When we either rise higher
Or sink even lower
Victims of our emotions
Or masters of our hearts.

Judgment will separate men
And wisdom will make all the difference
Our decisions reflecting our ability
To grow and to learn.

But the hardest lesson
Does not come either here or there
But in the long days in between
That seem to last forever.

Because, although there is good and bad
We cannot expect any reward
Nor any apology
Not in this time
And not in this world.

Our eyes may never see
Nor our ears ever hear
All the things, we wish
Or think, we deserve.

But still, we must remain
Immovable and committed
Resigned to our most likely end
Unremembered and unsung.

Because better it is to lose your life
Than it is to lose your soul
And far better it is to gain eternity
Than any false glory.

The sounds of heaven
Will heal our wounds
And the love of God
Will mend our hearts.

Joined with those we love
And many, many more
At last free of pain
And condemnation.

This world shall vanish
Along with all its cruelty
Dissolving into nothing
Burned, cleansed, and purified
Until it shines.

On that day
We shall all become
The work we have made
Soaring high above
Effortless and sublime.

We are the critical element
The one limitless equation
The greatest cause or curse
For all possible futures
Just waiting to occur.

But only if our feet are sure
And our thoughts composed
Each and every step deliberate
Steady and wise.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Summoning The Blood

Summoning The Blood 3/1/2012

If there ever was a time
That a man must rise
Then this is hour
Heavy and ripe.

Buildings are exploding
And the cities are burning
The streets strewn with bodies
Bloodied, severed, and torn.

The truth suppressed
And honest debate squelched
As the good are tried
For crimes of conscience
And the guilt of faith.

People line up at tables
To question each other
Looking for weaknesses
Or useful information.

There are things that happen
When money and power
Are at stake
When men without honor
Love winning more than life.

They worship themselves
And power is their idol
Calling to the moon God
And murdering for his love.

A time of deceit
When knowing the truth
And speaking it out
Is like a box of gunpowder
Resting between your legs.

There are some who think
That they are immune
And that no one will ever question
Or expose the awful truth.

Because that is how they have lived
And that is how they were born
Raised on a long slow simmer
Of hatred and jealousy.

Rewarded from the shallow waters
And rising through the ranks
Without ever getting dirty
By hard and bloody work.

And many have been discouraged
By pretending it’s the truth
Because they live in fear
And give in to doubt.

But you can’t let your self worth
Be put in the hands of others
People who consider all the wrong things
Before what is right.

Our value and our worth
Are not for sale or negotiation
And it cannot be appraised or sold
Something that only God
Can ever comprehend.

When you are the hated
Because of the truth
Then wear it with pride
Like a badge of honor.

The blood is calling
And I can feel it
Surging in my veins
The call to live boldly
And never look back.

Fear will always be there
And it will never go away
But to face it down
With dignity
Is by far greatest honor.

Though many may come against you
With an avalanche of threats
Probing every weakness
And exploiting every mistake.

Stand for what is right
And stand for what is true
And not just the acceptable
And not just the easy.

It is not as easy
As it may sound
And many more than we know
Have died in silence.

Their heroic struggles
Unrecorded and unremembered
Sleeping in the dust
Buried and neglected.

Others laughed at their loss
And others jeered at their pain
Ridiculing every nuance
And digging through their secrets.

Their dead bodies are dragged
And mocked in the streets
But, soon the truth shall answer
And give the devil his due.

The flames are rising
And the smoke rises in columns
In the burned and looted cities
That once bustled with life.

The innocent and the orphans
Cry out with hunger
But evil men do not hear
As they plan ambush, murder
And theft.

Their wear masks
And they hide in caves and corners
Always striking from behind
And laughing at the result.

But even in the darkness
You can guess who they are
But the wise will know
Where this shall lead
And the horrible way
It will end.

They have started a fire
That burns out of control
Spreading faster than they can run
And trapping them forever.

When the truth is revealed
They will curse the sky
And run to the hills
To hide their faces.

But no matter what they do
And no matter where they go
The blazing eyes of truth
Shall burn them away.

There is no day like today
And there is no greater moment
Than right here and now
To snatch victory out of loss
And eternity from shame.

Live boldly dear friend
And fear not the slings and arrows
For he who stands it now
Shall live forever.