Thursday, October 6, 2011


Nameless 10/6/2011 Just a five minute ramble...

I am nameless
But it is probably better that way
Because names don't really matter
If there is nothing to sell
And nothing to buy.

The best words
Don't need a title
Becuase they come from a place
Of fast moving shadows
And only come out
To live and breathe.

An ordinairy life
In extraordinary times
A witness to the many
B0th the good
And the bad.

Living them through
And reading what they feel
Remembering each nuance
And counting all the scars.

Thoughts and memories
Make us who we are
And for those who remember
There is little choice
But to speak, swallow, or die.

People come and go
In and out of life
Against the odds of eternity
That we would ever meet.

But I have felt the warmth
Of their love
And seen the light
Of their vision.

In as much as I could learn
I have learned
And in as much as I could experience
I have relished.

It is hard to say goodbye
And it is never easy to go
But the greatest journeys
Are the ones
We take alone.

A walk through the shadows
Without any way home
With no one to hold
Or to be held by.

But I am not the only one
Who has done the same
And if the spirits are willing
Then you shall see why.

There are ghosts who walk
In the realities of the present
And in the shadows of the past
Giving us a glimpse
Into the world
That is yet to come.

There is a quickening
Inside our souls
And there is a change
You can feel.

A whisper
Through the glass
In the back of our minds
Warning us
About a future
Thin and fragile.

There are many things
That we just cannot control
But there are always things you can
Because anything for another's dignity
Means more in the end.

The big dreams and small actions
That make up who we are
But even the least of these
That honor the good
Are amplified by time.

Because even the smallest of sparks
Can start the greatest of fires
And even the smallest kindness
Can start the world anew.

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