Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sudden Ellipse

Sudden Ellipse 10/4/2011

The earth travels around the sun
And the silent have yet to speak
Another day running in place
Spinning backwards and almost home.

What was lost will return
And what we now have
Will disappear
Rolling back into alignment
And starting all over again.

Everything has a meaning
And everything has a purpose
Even though we cannot see it
And pretend not to care.

The voices of the past
Are still there
Echoing forever
Out into space.

Time bends around
Just like space
Where light cannot reach
And we cannot see.

Everything that ever was
And everyone that ever lived
Exist in another place and time
Waiting for another beginning.

I too have traveled
A long journey into the night
Through the dark agonizing hours
Tilted away from the sun.

I stared into an orange sunset
And smashed my fist into my hand
Disappointed with life
And disappointed with God.

But I am forgiven
and I have journeyed
Through a long reconciliation
Back to where I belong
But still a stranger
And sad.

I have found what I lost
And I shall find more
No matter how long I wait
All will return.

There is a peace
That I have found
One that I never knew before
A calm and quiet knowledge
That good shall survive.

Just because there is silence
Doesn't mean that no one hears
And just because I must wait
Doesn't mean that I have lost.

Patience is the hardest thing
That I have ever learned
Mourning over lost dreams
That have always returned.

All the people I knew
Will return
One at a time
Both the living
And the dead.

Returning to the beginning
The one we should have had
Another chance
In the opposite direction.

There is a time to think
And now is the time
To imagine what awaits
Just around the curve.

Time to prepare
For the next revolution
And time to reconcile
With the past.

To embrace
And forgive
But also to change
And adjust.

For even this time
Shall turn again
And judgment will bring
Everything around.

The good shall be vindicated
And many of the mighty
Shall fall by their weight
Over and again
And never to rise.

The last turn
Shall end all tears
And endless circles
Bringing us back
To the right direction.

Into another age
On the other side of dreams
Through the center of the universe
And into a new world.

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