Friday, October 14, 2011

The Black Blizzard

The Black Blizzard 10/14/2011

Without rain
The soil turns to sand
Blowing in the wind
Like a black blizzard of death.

Autumn can be full of color
But this year
It has a deathly pallor
White, gray, and brown
Blending in with the carcasses
On the side of the road.

A sickly sweet smell
Hangs in the trees
Bleached out by the sun
Dried out and shrunken
Decaying into the earth
And blowing in the dust.

But there must be more than that
And I know it is there
Invisible to the naked eye
Bursting with life
And color.

Some people feel
And some people know
But it is the haunted
Who have secrets
And only they know why.

Because you don't need secrets
Unless you have something to hide
But nothing is hidden forever
Not from the dead
And not from God.

The dead know the secrets
and the dead know the truth
Even though you cannot hear
Unless you listen to the ground.

They whisper in the trees
Just out of our range
Heard only by the animals
Who run wild with fear.

The sense the changes
And feel the strange vibrations
Running in circles
Ahead of the storm.

The diesembodied spirits
Come to dwell in our heads
Living a life by proxy
And controlling all our dreams.

A dreamland that never sleeps
Because we think that it is real
And a sleep that never awakens
To find out who we are.

My body is but a vessel
Chosen by the secret self
An emobiment of traits
That resemble the truth.

A double life
And a double mind
One living in the here and now
And one living forever.

One trapped in debt and despair
Judged, regulated, and separated
And one soaring above
Unfettered and unhurt.

The spirit is stronger
And the spirit is defiant
Spreading out his iron wings
Silent, sure
And hidden from view.

A false world
With false gods, and false heroes
Propped up by lies
And false accomplishments.

We are told north is south
And south is north
That right is wrong
And wrong is right.

The strong may pretend weakness
But the weak always want to be strong
Always waiting for an opportunity
To attack from behind.

A wise man needs not praise
And he needs not adoration
But works in the silence
To do what is right.

A black blizzard is coming
But it is better to face it
Than it is to run
Turning into the wind
Fearless and alive.

Death has no power
It is but a transient moment
And if we can know that
Then what is there to fear.

What can man do to us?
That we must live in fear
And what kind of horror?
Can ever defeat eternity.

If we live
Then we know
What it feels like
To be hurt and live alone.

We know and we remember
Just how much love can give
And how much the world can take
But still we live
And still we survive.

Somewhere out there
Is the other life
Close enough to touch
But unseen.

A second life
Without the heaviness
And colors more beautiful
Than any we have known.

Look inside past the ugliness
And you will see with your heart
Inside the eyes of the spirit
In the center of our mind.

A vision of a new world
That will avenge the murdered
And end all agony
Stopping all suffering
And all this painful longing.

It is true
And the minds eye
You can see the truth
The truth we have always known
But are taught to disbelieve.

Everything is not as it seems
And the truth is but a heartbeat away
A reckoning and a realignment
That can be ours
In the here and in the now.

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