Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Death Clock

The Death Clock 10/12/2011

Tick tock goes the clock
But it doesn't mean a thing
Just another measurement
That we don't understand.

What measure my days
Doesn't measure my time
Because time is nothing
But a prelude
To eternity.

We don't see everything
And the smallest of particles
Move in different directions
The spirit and the soul
Imperceptible and translucent.

The tiniest of sparks
Travels across dimensions
And brings life to the womb
As the cells subdivide
And make us who we are.

On a silver cord hangs the balance
Between the light and the darkness
A choice clearer than reason
Between who we are
And what we want.

More free
That we have ever known
And more alive
Than any pound of flesh.

A secret flame of being
Traveling in a ball of light
Containing all potentialities
Unseen and unknown.

That we live and know
Is proof enough for me
That there is a reason
And that there is a plan.

I am here
And these thoughts
Pour out in words
The only thing that lasts
And the only thing thats real.

The choice is mine
Whether I choose life or death
Because many are those
who sleep forever
And few are those
Who awaken.

What is real
And what is fake
Is easy to see
But not for those
Who poison themselves.

We find what we search for
And man always seeks
The easy road home
In any kind of justice
That directly benefits himself.

To speak the real truth
Is to welcome any hatred
And there are many
Who would kill
If only they could.

There is but a thin membrane
Between the potential
And the actual
With nothing much in between
Except opportunity
And ability.

Genocide can only happen
When the tipping poinnt is reached
And the savage nature of man
Takes power from the good.

If the good are silent
And abdicate their will
Evil spirals in the void
Dragging us down
In the vortex of hell.

We struggle against more than man
And we fight with more than guns or bombs
Because there is more than what we see
In the realm of the spirits
And the ghosts in our heads.

In places we cannot see
The enemy comes in undetected
Destroying us
From the inside out.

Floating ideas and emotions
Against every single weakness
Leading us with double thoughts
Until we cannot ever hear
The truth.

The smallest of steps
Lead from one to another
Until we are far from
Where we were
And even farther
From where we should have been.

I shall welcome the hatred
Because now I see the reasons
A laughable waste of effort
Poured out
Like water on a rock.

The choice is ours
And we get to make it
Every single day
Either for climbing up
Or for falling down.

That we may lose
Is a given
But what we gain is greater
Because we have learned
And now we act.

Time passed by
And nothing we have made
Shall ever last forever
Eroding downstream
Into nothingness.

But what we choose now
Spreads outward
Into the million chances more
Building something unseen
That lasts forever.

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