Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't Ask and Red Dragon

Don't Ask and Red Dragon 10/21/2011

Don't Ask

No wants the rejected
And a poor man remains alone
Because any man of honor
Has few options
If he has any soul.

The shameless find a way
And they shall find their partners
Because they never miss an opportunity
To lie, manipulate, and steal.

A man without a conscience
Leaves not anything to chance
His faith only in his actions
And his heart empty and shallow.

They do not know love
Becuase they never had it
But only love to possess
And only give to receive.

Don't ask the lonely
If they believe in happy endings
And don't tell them about love
And how much giving can mean.

I have heard those words before
but those are a luxury
That I cannot afford
A far off dream
Incomplete and dead.

What good would it do
To explain why I am here
And what purpose would it serve
To tell you how much it hurt.

Indifference is the worst
And how it eats away the heart
Because we forget what we have done
And stand on shifting sand.

But some actions are more egregious
And some are more disgusting
Because of the motive
And because of the cruelty.

I stand and tread water
But I have no relief at all
Without anyone to touch
Or hold.

I can barely remember
What it is to be safe
Living from day to day
And always under the gun.

They say that pain
Makes us stronger
And that tears
Make us brave.

but I am tired and lonely
And nothing matters at all
With nothing left worth stealing
And no pleasure at all.

The past is dangled before me
Like some kind of cruel temptation
And I linger on
Forever struggling
Against the current.

I throw myself upsteam
And bloody myself on the rocks
Forever falling backwards
And never coming home.

There is nothing more shameful
Than to suffer all alone
In a fishbowl full of people
Who don't care at all.

How I long for the deep water
The kind full of mystery
With endless possibilities
And hope.

But I just bleed in the shallows
And live on what I am given
Without any affection
And drowning all alone.

The days go by
And I no longer count
The weeks months and years
Adding up to yesterday.

Exhausted by the worry
And worn down by the strain
As I scramble from crises to crises
And never have enough.

They know that I suffer
But it will never be enough
As long as I breathe
I am reminded
Just how much
I'll never have.

The sideways smiles are gone
And all conversations are strained
And everyone who sees me
Can tell my shame and want.

I want to hide
But there is no place to go
And I want to dissappear
So that they will not see
And they will never know.

It is but the smallest distance
And it is by the smallest chance
That I am rejected and alone
A pariah one dimensional and gone.

A man reduced down to nothing
And thrown away like a rag
One I wear every day
And weep with every night.

My truth is forgotten
And air brushed out of time
My words ignored
Day after day.

If no one ever reads
And no one understands
The my times are wasted
And I die with empty hands.

Spiritually murdered
And drug around
As the good are mocked
By the weak and the cruel.

Tonight I shall close my eyes
And I shall see the end
As I rise once more
In search of blood.

Red Dragon 10/21/2011

It all comes undone
As death rules the land
Raising its bloody head
With a grinning white skull.

The truth was long known
But they chose to keep it secret
The words and the warning
That could have made all the difference
And changes how it ends.

The fire is lit
And the emporer is naked
Because he has taken off the lid
On an endless jar of horrors.

No one is watching
And no one cares to notice
Blinded by the carnage
And shocked into silence.

The mobs rule the street
And murder the innocent
Possessed with a hatred
That only hell could create.

They lie and blame others
But its all part of the plan
Just one peice of the puzzel
Emboldened by the good
Who refuse to tell the truth.

Even evil men die
But what is coming is worse
As blood fills the streets
And no one says a word.

Everything falls into place
Exactly as the prophets said
Even though we did not listen
And all the saints are dead.

Many are deceived
And how foolishly they follow
As they are funneled into a dogma
That all history condemns.

They lie and they lie
And destory the work of centuries
In the blink of an eye
Because they know that good prevails
So they must have control
To change how it ends.

They want to have the power
To decide life and death
So all outcomes can be predicted
Over and over again.

They want to steal
And they want to destroy
Erasing all the truth
For a great big lie.

They have rotted the good
From the inside out
Trading light for darkness
And the good for the bad.

They attack and insult
And ignore all ethical restraint
For the end justifies the means
In the struggle for the soul.

They have torn down the good
And trod upon the sacred
Mocking the faithful
And tormenting all the wounded.

They have descrated every beauty
With tasteless displays
Mutiliating all with excess
Just to prove their worth
That they should already know.

Evil is loosed
And runs rampant on the earth
Taking all he can
In a rush to destruction.

The fire burns
And spreads in all directions
Engulfing the good and the bad
And the innocent as well.

We forget our purpose
And cower behind a rock
Holding on to our life
The one we can never keep.

Because we are spirits
Living a human dream
Here for the experience
And waiting for eternity.

Let the dragon come
And let him kill me
If he will
And if he can.

Because I would rather die
Than lose my soul
Either by my inaction
Or in my sleep.

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