Thursday, October 27, 2011


Derailed 12/27/2011

The train wreck has left the station
And everything seems fine
But I already know what will happen
And I am content to wait.

It slowly picks up speed
And the passengers seem safe and sound
Looking out the windows
And waving goodbye.

But they are not paying attention
And do not know the course
Unaware of the engineer
And what he really wants.

The track ahead is mysterious
And the passes are shrouded in fog
High up in the moutains
And winding down the sides.

There have been warnings
And in our hearts we can sense
That something is wrong
But like so many other times
We think ourselves in circles
Adn lack the conviction
To do what is right.

We let nature take its course
and I know how it feels
Becuase I also have ridden the train
Day dreaming as we started to move
And never sure about what to do.

I didn't want to make decisions
And I didn't want the pain
So I let my mind drift
And thought it would be okay.

I wanted to escape
And I lived in my emotions
Dreaming through my days
Half awake and drinking.

Fueled by whiskey
My heart was on fire
Surging through me
Like Magma
Ready to erupt.

I thought I was invincible
And nothing could ever hurt me
Diving headlong into the nothingness
Inside of myself.

Oblivion draws us
Like a moth to flame
A void that pulls like gravity
Into a bottomless black.

We stoke the boilers
Until they can take no more
Glowing with heat
As we melt the tracks
Faster and faster.

As hot as it can run
Without exploding in our face
As we pick up the speed of demons
Metal on metal
Like an earthquake on wheels.

The skeleton crew is working
Just as fast as they can
Unafraid of any hell
Or what any man might do.

This is what they mean
By a frieght train
Thundering down the tracks
Like a great black whirlwind
That uproots the trees
And explodes the houses.

The train will derail
And nothing can stop it now.
Carried forwards by the momentum
And killing everything in its way.

One thing leads to another
And soon it is too late
Committed to a suicidal journey
Moving too fast for jumping
With no safe place to land.

No one wants to admit
That they were wrong
So they stay in their seats
And no one gets off alive.

For they are trapped by inaction
And resign themselves to fate
For few are those with the courage
To live through their mistakes.

I bailed over the side
And broke myself on the rocks
But it's not as bad
As it seems
Just another beginning
With everything that really matters
Still ahead.

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