Friday, October 7, 2011

American Monster

American Monster 10/7/2011

People on the street
Don't know me at all
And that is how I like it
Just another man
Underneath the radar.

And most of those I know
Don't really know the truth
Because they never look too deep
And don't know how to see.

You see there is something inside
Something deep, dark, and hidden
Packed up in the secret self
The part struggling to break free.

That part most of us have
That part we keep hidden
Safely in a glass jar
With the lid screwed down tight.

Like a cap on a volcano
I have repressed
My most passionate emotions
Boiling beneath the surface
And ready to explode.

Stored under pressure
And compacted in every space
The feelings behind the thoughts
And the thoughts behind the ideas.

On the surface is my sarcasm
And out of my mouth
Comes the irony
But inside burns
The fire of creativity
Unexpressed and growing.

I am ready
And I am willing
No longer do I care
What anyone might think
Or what anyone might do.

There are greater battles to be fought
Than what we hear about
And there are bigger mysteries
that what we think about
Hidden in plain sight
And twice as deadly.

But even though they don't know
They can surely sense it
Becuase my body can barely contain me
As I grow larger every day.

A fearless sense of purpose
And an unflinching resolve
As I walk a little faster
With a sinister grin.

Yes there is something inside me
And if they looked me in the eyes
I would burn them straight through
Because then they would know
What I know.

Because I know them
And I know why
And they can tell
When they see me
That I would eat them whole.

We are all more than we seem
But for most of us
That part is sleeping
Seldom used
If at all.

But I am awakened
And there is no turning back
A force greater than myself
Has grabbed me
And will never let go.

I am alive
And I am aware
No longer a stranger
And no longer alone.

The who that is in me
Is greater than this world
Opening my eyes
And heightening my senses.

Something has transformed inside
And I will never be the same
But then it must be for a reason
And not just for me.

My eyes see more
Than shapes and colors
And I look a little deeper
That what is on the surface.

Inside my eyes burn with fire
And my teeth become as fangs
Armed with a truth
And more determined than ever.

The spirit is strong
And the ghost travels inside
Waging a silent war
In places unseen
And unknown.

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