Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Corn Maze

The Corn Maze 10/11/2011

The clouds were low
And the afternoon was cool
The sky heavy with a chance of rain
And charged with anticipation.

You could smell the wood burning
Even from the barn
And we pulled up the benches
In a circle around the fire.

We told stories that I can't remember
And I ran my fingers through her hair
Soft and silky
And black as a raven.

Dark and dusky the sun surrendered
And ten thousand stars
Spread out above us
Sparkling like diamonds
Close enough to touch.

We ran through the corn field
And took turns with the whiskey
Drinking deeply the sweet and sour
Under a velvety darkness
Both thrilling and haunting.

We rolled around
And I lost my ring
Gone forever in the dirt
But I didn't care
And we laughed and laughed.

Unforgettable is the memory
Of wet earth and smoke
Inbetween my toes
And on my clothes.

We were drunk
With the fire of youth
Falling asleep on the hay
And listening to the rain.

The morning came
And we drove home
Using a wool horse blanket
To keep away the cold.

Memories make men foolish
And fuel secret longings
Bordering on madness
More regretfull than romantic.

Because we destroy ourselves
Over and over again
And only long after
Do we understand
And desperately dig up the pieces
Out of the trash.

But you can't build
Something out of nothing
And with time
All dreams pass away
Irretrievably lost.

The big skies have closed in
And I am far away
Older but still
Just as uncomfortable
With no place to hide.

In the city you can't see the stars
But sometimes I sleep with the windows open
Letting my thoughts drift
Wild and free.

I sleep and smile
Because I have finally learned
That anticipation will always quicken the heart
But reality feels just fine.

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