Friday, October 28, 2011

A day dream

Day Dream 10/28/2011

It is the strangest feeling
To feel separate from yourself
To look at your life from a distance
Detached from time.

To look at your body
Apart from your soul
As if in a picture
One dimensional and remote.

To view the past
And watch it run its course
Flowing forwards and then backwards
And there is nothing you can do.

Reliving the moments
That you can never take back
And playing them over
Again and again.

By a thin silver chord
Invisible but real
My spirit suspended in this body
Through a silent worm hole of chance
The route through which I was born
And I shall die.

Through it even the greatest distance
Is but a second away
But there is more next to us
Than anything we can see.

A strange connection between
The seen and unseen
And a synchronicity
That we know
But can’t be explained.

People can debate
And they can also argue
But those who have truly lived
Cannot be manipulated by words.

And I know that I have lived
And also I have loved
Loving enough to suffer
And more than enough to lose.

But the battle is fought
Every morning and every night
And every moment in between
In the countless opportunities
To give or take.

To see the consequence
And understand the burdens
Constricted by character
And conviction.

To live through experience
And also observation
And to know
That even though battles are lost
The war is not over.

Everything I have ever thought or done
Exists right next to me
Growing and spreading
Into my future.

A transformative knowledge
Has opened my eyes
And no longer do I doubt
But now I know.

The truth has come out
And it is bigger than death
A larger truth
Undeniable and sublime.

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