Thursday, June 29, 2017


Clockwork           6/29/2017

Under the earth
And under the sea
Partially buried
And rusting away. 

The secrets of the past
Sunk in the deep
Hidden in the abyss
Dead and forbidden. 

Memory fights
Against forgetting
Crumbling with time
And willful ignorance. 

The powerful get away
Because of who they buy
And who they cannot buy
They intimidate or kill.

Assured of victory
They ride on high
Lifted by the ignorant
And the shallow. 

Paid off cheap
To jump and follow. 
Bought and sold
Like a herd of cattle. 

Covered by others
Despite obvious corruption
The creatures of the deep
And masters of deception. 

They stack the deck
And stage us a show
Just to keep it all going
For another day
And hour. 

But there is nothing
So well hidden
That it will not be revealed
Every single lie
And every single murder.

The wheels turn slowly
But they are turning now
Closer and closer
To the final call
Of truth and disclosure.

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